mighty-input icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mighty-input copied to clipboard

Text input for modern web

Mighty Input

Tiny React text input component for the modern web. Use HTML to decorate <input /> value for your goals.

Mighty input example GIF

👇 Source of the preview 👆

function AnimatedInput({ value, ...props }) {
  const render = nextValue => Array.from(nextValue)
  .map((char, i) => (
    <span key={i} className={`animation-${getCharType(char)}`}>

  return (
    <MightyInput value={value} render={render} {...props}/>

function getCharType(char, index) {
  switch (char) {
    case "😀": // Smiley face emoji
      return "smiley";
    case "💗": // Heart emoji
      return "heart";
      return "char";

CSS could be found in examples folder.


npm i mighty-input

Live examples


Use render property to specify custom render method and receive changed via onUpdate property callback.

  render={(value) => (
    <span style={{borderBottom: '2px solid green'}}>
  onUpdate={(value) => {
    // Value changed

Filter value

Use filter prop to specify input filter function.

Filtrate any non-digit values:

  filter={(next, prev) => {
    if (/^\d$/.test(next)) {
      return next;
    else {
      return prev;



(next:string, previous:string) -> string|React.Element

Render property is a function to transform value to HTML or another string. This function receives next and previous values of input field.

<MightyInput render={
  (next) => <span style={{color: 'red'}}>{next}</span>
} />


(next:string, previous:string) -> string

Filter property is a function to filtrate input and return new output value. This function receives next and previous values of input field.

<MightyInput filter={
  (next, prev) => next.length < 10 ? next : prev
} />


(next:string, previous:string) -> void

Update event handler. It emits each time value (passed through filter) changes.


  focus:string = '--focus',

Modifers property is an object with CSS classes for different states. It's using to simulate native CSS behavior for input wrapper. Currently it only has one option: focus.


MightyInput is inspired by Colin Kuebler's LDT.


MIT © Rumkin