Rumen Bogdanovski
Rumen Bogdanovski
So far no plans for this. But I will make some investigation and will add it to our to do list.
I suppose you use Ain Imager? If so, it does not support native camera raw formats for preview yet. This is in the TODO. So if you are shooting raw...
For platesolving you can switch to jpeg frames. I am not sure how the autofocus will work. It uses INDIGO raw format but I am not sure the ptp driver...
Hi, The trouble is that this is INDI driver. Not INDIGO. In general you can use INDI drivers with INDIGO server, but we never do this in our distribution for...
Hi I watched the videos. I see the problem but I also see that your solution also does not work correctly. It says tracking while actually it is not tracking....
Actually, Ain just visualizes the status of tracking and parking etc... is just shows the state of the property from the driver. So It is some issue with the driver....
Drivers do not debayer. They only write the correct pattern in the FITS header if known. Ain and other apps use this to debayer the image. Ain debayers only for...
There are several problems with this: 1. When you install indigo it will not be started by automatically. you will have to start it as a service with: ``` systemctl...
Have you seen INDIGO Sky? it is a configured and optimized Linux distribution to run INDIGO. you just download the image frush it to the SD card and run...
I do not know what is "IDAC file of drivers". IDAC means Indigo Device Access Control and there is no "LOAD" to "ALL FILES" in the indigo access control. Why...