Group-Activity-Recognition copied to clipboard
I tested the new version of the code it gives the following errors; i seems the test & train_val files are created but fails to be written. it means the file are created but it is empty.
The following are what i got,
I tested the code on VD dataset.
Epoch 0/14
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 34, in
ZeroDivisionError due to nothing on data_sizes[phase], because the file traival is empty
Any idea on how to clear this??
The directory structure of 'imgs_ranked' should be the same as 'imgs'. I'm confused about the folder of 'dataset'.
The directory structure looks as follows:
VD then in the VD there are three folders i.e imgs, video and imgs_ranked. Then when you enter into the imgs_ranked folder there are dataset folder and other four files as shown in the attachment above.
The directory structure looks as follows:
VD then in the VD there are three folders i.e imgs, video and imgs_ranked. Then when you enter into the imgs_ranked folder there are dataset folder and other four files as shown in the attachment above.
Did it run successfully?
Yes, it runs successfully. Sorry for the late reply, I was far from access to my PC.