Which Chrome/ium version?
3. may be a little complex (especially as we would need to "upload"/input files or so) Though 1. and 2. may be a good idea feature-wise, but I have no...
@jamescallumyoung First, thanks for taking this up. However, I really want to avoid a material UI like thing. (i.e. no useless title bar, this is a waste of screen space)...
Thanks for your report. > It might be easier than writing code to memorize if they were already shown. Actually, that should already be implemented. However, it is calculated for...
Hi and thanks a lot for the data. Yeah, according to the data, you only dismissed it one time and [it is supposed to be dismissed at max two times](
Note that PGP keyserver do **not* bring any assurance. Anyone can upload a PGP key there, so nothing is verified and that does not work here.
BTW, you must not only cover the "initial addition", but also the case when the company may want to update the key as it is lost.
Hmm, strange. Tested with the same versions on Windows and cannot reproduce it. On Linux rezising was really slow, actually. But yeah, there is definitively something wrong there... And the...
Okay, note that this may not be an easy issue (I have not looked into it, but some debugging skills may be required). If you have any questions feel free...
> Need a bit more understanding on the approach for resetting. Speaking on a high level the resetting works like this: * backup old settings for restoring them * deletes...