IMHO a checkbox would be too invisible. IMHO, when an image is selected/attached, there should be just a two big buttons "Remove image/phone model data" and "Keep original image". As...
BTW what is the underlying use case you try to solve? Why exactly did you want to change the translation in the first case?
Yes, client-side-only. Yeah, IMHO, we should maybe add a bootstrap template via `boostrap-auto` that has this automatic switch? Or should we just replace the old dark/light bootstrap themes with a...
I had a quick look, and yes. Best would be, if we also reduce the conditional rewrites by PHP inside there. (adding different classes etc.) (and switch styling in pure...
In the theme has been suggested for the bootstrap dark mode.
>Replace the logic that displays the IE warning with one that displays a generic "Please upgrade" warning if the browser doesn't meet our standards (ES 6 support, async/await, promises &...
TODO for this issue: Can we determinante what is the lowest version of IE/... we want to support? (basically lower than what the WebCrypto API supports, we cannot go, and...
Yep, so drop IE, of course. could either be loaded via SRI, or (better?) we need to bundle the JS with our one.
Instead of browser detection, we could also just detect if the WebCrypto API is (not) supported and then display an error…
Another thing we could do: * [ ] use [ES6 modules](, to split that huge JS file into many smaller files (we already structured it into modules, so we can...