First of all: Wow, thanks for all that work! :tada: Of course, I guess, we are very glad to accept any bug fixes. The only other things I'd have objections...
I guess so, yes. I have nothing more to add. @elrido, do you? (I guess he's reviewing the PR already, anyway… :wink:)
Good idea, although I'm still always in favor to track bugs in issues, but okay, fine.
IMHO I like that message being in the navbar on desktop device… when you have such a status, you hide al buttons anyway as they make no sense to click...
Indeed we use s "softcron" approach (see See also the doc for this [in the wiki]( So do you think a cronjob is necessary for that? It could be...
You understand it correctly. And when using the database storage the problem with empty dirs is non-existent. I think your suggestions are good ideas, I'll just open a new issue...
> If you edit the name configuration setting, it changes the software description too Agree, sounds like a bug. > Include a "powered-by" style footer message when a custom name...
Actually in this case we do not even have to call it "salt", but maybe just "token" or string. Maybe we also add the paste ID there. So to expand...
Technically, we need a lib for that. I looked at the doc and I saw that HMACs are not provided by the Web Cryptro API. :cry: So might be...
Problem for @elrido: In whatever way we do this, we may leak the fact that a paste is password-protected to the server. As when a paste is not, you cannot...