Having a quick look for alternatives I found It has a nice and professional website, and seems to be quite popular. The [PHP implementation got it's latest update in...
For maintainers, the results seem to be here: Really interesting results, we should look into it. Though I fail to understand stack traces it presents as oneliners. :see_no_evil: Also...
Great, thanks for doing so. > I do like explicit type declaration as a feature very much, don't get me wrong, and look forward to adding it for all our...
So AFAIK you've tackled all of them. We can close the tainted file handling if we can verify/assure the validation works… I dunno how. Does someone wants to dive into...
That said, of course one could: * only make it an “insecure” client-side only check, which may prevent easy “attacks!”, respectively many users from using a longer expiration time with...
That is a complete other question (or possibly feature request), that should maybe be tackled in a new issue. But TLDR is: Well… there is no built-in support (as Nextcloud...
As the server needs to validate these, this is quite hard to implement. Either you’d have to have a switch to allow any expiration time… Or the server needs to...
It’s only a deisgn element, but it still changes a lot how it internally works. > when you say "Set your maximal expiration time here" are you referring to an...
That said, maybe server admins still would want to limit the time of such pastes. As you can see here a date picker can also have a `max` attribute, so...
Good point, it would allow to double-check whether the file is correct, etc.