Rufus Pollock

Results 468 issues of Rufus Pollock is super cool. It depends on the obsidian index i suspect though haven't done a deep dive into the code. Basically want to do rendering of this and display...


Currently favicon is hardcoded. Would be nice to make favicon link configurable (plus provide some guidance on how to do an svg one in the docs!) ## Acceptance - [...

good first issue
Stream: App

Obsidian has tags of from `#xyz`. Blogs traditionally have tags - cf #35. How could/would we incorporate tag support in flowershow. Ideas - [ ] parsing out tags from pages...

Obsidian have moved to embed format for social media previews e.g. this is an embed ``` ![](youtube link) ``` Whereas raw link is just a link. Think this is better...

Markdown Plus

Show backlinks for a page (optional / configurable). Backlinks are all the pages that link to this page.


Atm we have signup for updates which was a legacy of alpha (6m ago). Now we have a solid path to use the app we should sign post that and...

feature request

Write up as a blog post (or even just in discussion forum) at least one approach for doing forms in Flowershow (and static sites in general - this isn't specific...

At the moment i'm using Flowershow for and when i try and run preview locally with `npm run dev` i get javascript errors like this (almost immediately after page...

Stream: App

I am a non technical user new to markdown, I need a tutorial explaining how I can make changes to my flowershow website ## Acceptance - [ ] Tutorial shows...

Stream: Comms

Misc - [ ] Documentation page for this feature (separate from tutorials?) - [ ] We currently use `created` as `date` field even though our spec and most other implementations...