vimf90 copied to clipboard
Having issues setting up this plugin
Hello, I seem to be having issues setting up this plugin. I'm new to VIM, so forgive me.
A few notes:
- On a mac
- Compiled VIM with Python3
First issue is, can't seem to set up the leader. The help file in VIM (:help vimf90) shows the command
let g:VimF90Leader = "
but readme shows
let fortran_leader = "your chosen key"
Any comments?
The next I suppose is having issues with setting up coc.nvim. I'm using the following code from the
let g:coc_start_at_startup = 0
augroup coc
autocmd VimEnter * :silent CocStart
augroup end
let g:coc_user_config = {
\ 'languageserver': {
\ 'fortran': {
\ 'command': '${HOME}/.local/bin/fortls',
\ 'args': ['--lowercase_intrinsics'],
\ 'filetypes': ['fortran'],
\ 'rootPatterns': ['.fortls', '.git/'],
\ }
but I get the following error when I try to :source %
Error detected while processing /Users/user/.vimrc:
line 42:
E722: Missing comma in Dictionary:
line 50:
E1128: } without {: }
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Can you assist?