interleave copied to clipboard
Disable narrowing is not working
I am not sure since when, but the disable narrowing option is not working. The notes buffer gets narrowed, despite having the following .emacs setting:
(use-package interleave :defer t :bind ("C-x i" . interleave-mode) :config (setq interleave-split-direction (quote horizontal) interleave-split-lines 20 interleave-disable-narrowing t) )
I have the latest version from MELPA (20170110.234)
Actually I realized that the buffer gets narrowed when entering interleave mode, but then gets expanded as soon as I add a note. I am not sure if that was the intended behaviour.
Does this happen in a multi-pdf notes file (headings with the interleave_pdf property) or in normal notes file?
In multi-pdf notes. I have not tested on normal notes.
Hi there,
sorry for the delay. Can you please provide a minimal org file. I cannot reproduce the issue with my test files.
Is this bug still relevant at all?
Thx, Sebastian
Is there a way to control narrowing so it's narrowed by default, but I can still pick at the outline when I need to, w/o quiting interleave-mode
Unfortunately not. Perhaps open up another issue so we can track this feature. Thanks.