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Free Pascal / Lazarus Hardware Abstraction Layer for Raspberry Pi Boards


Free Pascal Hardware abstraction library for the Raspberry Pi This Unit, with more than 19800 Lines of Code, delivers procedures and functions to access the rpi HW

  • support 32/64Bit OS
  • I2C
  • SPI
  • GPIO (input, output, SW-PWM, HW-PWM, timer, frequency output)
  • HW watchdog handling
  • BTLE Beacon (Blutooth)
  • Rotational Encoders implemented with Threads (e.g. Keyes KY-040 Rotary Encoder)
  • Servo functions
  • PID Algorithm
  • Bidirectional serial device access in User space /dev/yourdevice
  • USB Reset and Access
  • Maintain INI-Files for parameter management
  • RPI HAT access
  • Thread Management
  • OS signal handler (SIGHUP, SIGUSR1...)
  • OS IP info access (IPaddr, GWaddr, Domainname...)
  • Timing functions (e.g. SetTimeOut, TimeElapsed)
  • CSV record parsing (e.g. to parse .csv line according to RFC4180)
  • StringManipulation (e.g. Select_Item for handling .csv files)
  • StringListManipulation
  • call external OS program and receive answer with multiple lines (e.g. directory list)
  • extensive Logging functions
  • TAR wrapper
  • CURL wrapper
  • SW Maintenance-/Service-functions: Upload Logfiles to FTP-Server Download new SW from FTP-Server Install new SW on rpi
  • many examples, how to use the rpi_hal

!! Since V4.5 new startup strategy, rpi_hal will not bring up HW automatically. !! pls. start rpi_hal with e.g. RPI_HW_Start for all components in your main program, !! or use explicit flags: RPI_HW_Start([InitHaltOnError,InitGPIO,InitI2C,InitSPI])

Discussion forum: pls. use the issues function on github

Just an excerpt of the available functions and procedures:

GPIO Functions:

  • procedure gpio_set_pin (pin:longword;highlevel:boolean); // Set RPi GPIO pin to high or low level
  • function gpio_get_PIN (pin:longword):boolean; // Get RPi GPIO pin Level is true when Pin level is '1'; false when '0'
  • procedure gpio_set_input (pin:longword); // Set RPi GPIO pin to input direction
  • procedure gpio_set_output(pin:longword); // Set RPi GPIO pin to output direction
  • procedure gpio_set_alt (pin,altfunc:longword); // Set RPi GPIO pin to alternate function nr. 0..5
  • procedure gpio_set_gppud (mask:longword); // set RPi GPIO Pull-up/down Register (GPPUD) with mask

General Functions:

  • function rpi_snr:string; // delivers SNR: 0000000012345678
  • function rpi_hw:string; // delivers Processor Type: BCM2708, BCM2709 or BCM2835

I2C Functions:

  • function I2C_bus_WrRd(busnum,baseadr:word; const WRbuf:string; WRflgs:word; var RDbuf:string; RDflgs:word; RDlen:byte; errhdl:integer):integer;
  • function I2C_string_read(busnum,baseadr:word; const WRbuf:string; RDlen:byte; errhdl:integer; var RDbuf:string):integer;
  • function I2C_string_write(busnum,baseadr:word; const WRbuf:string; errhdl:integer):integer;

SPI Functions:

  • function SPI_Write(busnum,devnum:byte; basereg,data:word):integer;
  • function SPI_Read (busnum,devnum:byte; basereg:word) : byte;
  • function SPI_Transfer (busnum,devnum:byte; cmdseq:string):integer;