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Is possible to use without xml jobfiles
Hi, I've been reviewing your work, and it's more or less what I needed, i would like to use your tool to create a batch php that will import 25 years of history of a "symbol", like for example "AAPL". I can see you have implemented usage via xml jobfile, is ti possible to use it without jobfiles? somewat
twsdo -p=7956 -h= --symbol=AAPL --market=SMART --currency=USD --startDate=1995-01-01 --endDate=2014-12-30
I have no such simple options (except -A, -E, -O to get account status, etc.). Adding all possible contracts and order fields would be overkill.
But you could use an order template to it fill up. Below an example how I use it in a shell script using sed
. I guess php should even have a built-in "sed" or you could use sprintf
to replace placeholders "%s" by ordered list of variables.
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' order_tmpl <<-'EOF'
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request type="place_order">
<contract secType="FUT" exchange=":exchange:" localSymbol=":localSymbol:"/>
action=":action:" totalQuantity=":totalQuantity:"
orderType=":orderType:" tif=":tif:"
goodAfterTime=":goodAfterTime:" goodTillDate=":goodTillDate:"
echo "${order_tmpl}" | sed \
-e "s/:exchange:/${ex}/g" \
-e "s/:localSymbol:/${loc_sym}/g" \
-e "s/:account:/${TWS_ACC_NAME}/g" \
-e "s/:action:/${act}/g" \
-e "s/:totalQuantity:/${qty}/g" \
-e "s/:orderType:/${ot}/g" \
-e "s/:tif:/${tif}/g" \
-e "s,:goodAfterTime:,${time_order},g" \
-e "s,:goodTillDate:,${time_cancel},g" \
-e "s/:transmit:/${transmit}/g" \
> order_file
Note you could also pipe the order string without writing to a file (echo $order | twsdo ...
). But usually I want to keep all the orders for logging and debugging.
Ah sorry I haven't read carefully that you want to create "history jobs". In shell I do this using dseq
from to get good date sequences. twsgen
can generate history jobs.
# the contract or more contracts are in a file
cat /tmp/con_example.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request type="contract_details">
<reqContract symbol="16E" secType="IND"/>
<summary symbol="16E" secType="IND" exchange="GLOBEX" currency="USD" localSymbol="16E" tradingClass="16E"/>
# itereate over intervals of 34 business days (which is good for 30min data)
for i in `dseq --compute-from-last -f "%Y%m%d" 2012-01-01 34b 2013-05-15` ;do
cat /tmp/con_example | twsgen -H -e "$i 00:00:00" -b "30 mins" -w "BID,ASK,TRADES"
done > /tmp/jobfile.xml
Hi, thanks rudimeier I will have to study carefully what you've given me, since sed and dseq commands are totally new for me, and have to see how they operate.
But right now, if I understood right, what you've given me is a shell script, but I don't get what's the content of the file /tmp/con_example.xml ?
Also are u interested in developing a simple command to achieve what I need for me if we find a economic agreement for the job?, I'm really not any good at unix shell script or C++ programming.
Thank you.