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Ruby Facets

Results 49 facets issues
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It was reported long ago: "I think it's better to implement Dir.recursive() as alias of Find.find()". I am not so certain of this, but let us make a note of...


I use Enumerable#sum a lot and just upgraded from version 2.9.3 to 3.0 and the behaviour changed. [].sum should == 0 but i get nil instead.


String#tab is an alias for String#indent. But there are separate tests and demos maintained for both. The [tab demo](https://github.com/rubyworks/facets/blob/master/demo/core/string/tab.rdoc) states `Unlike #tabto, #tab indents all lines equally regardless of prior...

Consider if these work as they should. Currently camelcase becomes snakecase and module separators become double undescores __. This insures the names can be converted in either direction, but perhaps...

Doesn't look like `Hash#subset` is of any use any more now that Ruby's `Hash#select` also returns a hash. And `Hash#slice` can be used to pick out a subset by key...


`Proc#compose` raises an error when it shouldn't. The following two lambdas can compose: ``` ruby make_twin = -> n { return n, n } take_twin = -> n, m {...

Hi! I compaired [Enumerable#graph](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/rubyworks/facets/master/Enumerable%3Agraph) from facets with [Enumerable.to_h](http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.3/Enumerable.html#method-i-to_h) from Ruby. ``` ruby require 'facets' require 'benchmark' k = 10_000_000 numbers = (1..k) Benchmark.bmbm do |x| x.report(:graph) { numbers.graph { |n|...

I think the functor and all it's attendant pieces and parts should be extracted into a separate gem. I've been making a start at updating the tests and qed demos...

The implementation of Enumerable::Argumentable is broken for methods with an .arity of -1 such as .min and .max In both cases the method has a variable number of arguments which...

May be to expand domain of applicability of Shellwords#escape to Windows shell too?
