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Ferrum script has process_timeout errors after upgrading to the Heroku Chrome-for-testing buildpack
Describe the bug
Our Ferrum script starts having process_timeout errors after upgrading to the Heroku/Chrome-for-testing buildpack. The old heroku/google-chrome buildpack is deprecated in favor of chrome-for-testing so we were testing this before moving to their new Heroku-24 stack.
I originally posted this as an issue in the chrome-for-testing buildpack repo since it was related to migrating the buildpack, but after confirming that which chrome
and which chromedriver
were finding the correct paths, it feels relevant to post it here instead.
To Reproduce
I switched over from heroku/google-chrome
this week and followed the instructions on Migrating from Separate Buildpacks (though I used the Heroku app settings UI to remove and add the new buildpacks instead of CLI):
Since then we have a cron job running screenshots using Ferrum that has started failing with the following error:
ERROR taking screenshot: Browser did not produce websocket url within 10 seconds, try to increase ":process_timeout". See https://github.com/rubycdp/ferrum#customization
Actions I've taken to try and resolve:
- I have increased our :process_timeout as recommended in the error notes. New setting is 20 seconds and error continued.
- I've read the other Buildpack readme notes and can't see a clear change that would affect Ferrum - they do mention that certain prior buildpack shims for --headless are gone and that app paths have changed, but I confirmed that
which chrome
andwhich chromedriver
were finding the correct paths, and I'm assuming that Ferrum is already passing any '--headless' types of flags since it runs headless by default. - I've restarted dynos and deployed a couple times since the buildpack was changed.
- I've tried setting
ENV VAR to/app/.chrome-for-testing/chrome-linux64/chrome
in case the path wasn't getting picked up somehow. - I manually moved the chrome-for-testing buildpack into first position in the Heroku UI to confirm it wasn't an issue with buildpack order.
- Can't find anyone else talking about the buildpack change on Twitter or Google searches.
- I've confirmed that buildpack seems to be building OK in build log:
-----> Chrome for Testing app detected
-----> Installing Chrome for Testing
Resolved STABLE version 128.0.6613.119
Downloading Chrome
Downloading Chromedriver
-----> Installing Chrome dependencies
Relevant app settings:
- Rails 6.1
- Ruby 3.1
- Heroku-22 stack
- Ferrum 0.15 (latest)
- 2x standard dynos
Here's the script I'm running that is failing in case it's helpful. We don't have a specific Ferrum config outside of this call to Ferrum::Browser.new()
. The final rescue StandardError => e
is where my exception is getting tracked.
# frozen_string_literal: true
module ScreenshotCaptureable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
def filename
@filename ||= ["screenshot", self.class.name, id, Time.now.to_i].compact.map(&:to_s).map(&:parameterize).join("-")
def file_path
@file_path ||= "public/screenshot-#{self.class.name}-#{self.id}.jpeg"
def save_screenshot_to_s3
screenshot.attach({filename: "#{filename}.png", io: File.open(file_path), content_type: "image/jpeg"})
self.update_columns(screenshot_updated_at: Time.current)
def capture_screenshot_via_ferrum(context)
page = context.create_page
url = "#{ENV['BASE_URL']}/l/#{special_screenshot_link&.uuid}/template?headless=1"
Rails.logger.info "#{'*' * 50} #{url.inspect} #{'*' * 50}"
page.mouse.scroll_to(10, 60)
page.screenshot(path: file_path)
def self.update_next_batch_pending_screenshots
if next_batch_for_screenshot.count == 0
Rails.logger.info "No Templates to capture screenshots"
next_batch_for_screenshot.each {|model| model.create_sharing_links unless model.readonly_sharing_link&.uuid }
browser = Ferrum::Browser.new(slowmo: 6, window_size: BROWSER_WINDOW_SIZE, timeout: 15, process_timeout: 20)
context = browser.contexts.create
threads = []
Rails.logger.info "Processing next #{next_batch_for_screenshot.count} Templates"
next_batch_for_screenshot.each do |model|
threads << Thread.new(context) do |c|
rescue StandardError => e
Rails.logger.error e.message
context.dispose # dispose the context
browser.quit # quit the browser instance
rescue StandardError => e
Rails.logger.error e.message
Honeybadger.notify("ERROR taking screenshot: #{e.message}")