On the main ruby-tracker, if one signs in, one is greeted with a gate: "Enable two-factor authentication" The instructions for these read as follows: "Scan this QR code or enter...
Hey lars, Fox toolkit still makes releases: Current dev version is 1.7.85. I assume fxruby supports only the stable version: 1.6.58 # right now Could the main README clarify...
The default tool widgets are on the left-side. Would it be possible to re-arrange them, if a user wants to? For instance, group them on top or on the right...
Hey guys, Using this URL: When I extract this on the commandline, I get this directory: ppp-ppp-2.5.1 So the ppp appears twice. I believe the more natural name would...
I just downloaded the latest libjxl release from here. Now I run cmake: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr . And I get this result: -- The C compiler identification is GNU 15.0.0 --...
Hey there GraalVM team, To preface: I was able to build a statically compiled native image some months ago, using glibc already, so all that works fine. At the document...
Would it be possible to add a FAQ to the project? One question I had was: "how to customize webamp"? As I am getting older and my eyesight isn't as...
Hey there libui-folks, If you look at for libui, you get to the documentation entry, and then a link towards, for instance, this website: This contains some useful...
Could a FAQ entry be added for geany and linked in from the main README? I think there was one already, but when I looked at the main readme I...
Hi there, I am using the latest git checkout source. Under Fonts, in the settings, we have three entries: 1) Editor 2) Symbol List 3) Message Window What I believe...