irb copied to clipboard
JRuby issues with irb and reline
I have been working to switch JRuby to reline+irb gems and things are close but I have seen two issues testing it today.
- Backspace does not work. It seems to be ignored. ^H works, but shows the ^H character briefly before backspacing.
- The prompt line seems to print out again before running whatever code you entered:
$ irb
irb(main):001:0> puts
irb(main):001:0> puts
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> exit
irb(main):002:0> exit
I am not sure if these are IRB issues or Reline issues, and I need help figuring out what is wrong!
Note: JRuby uses an FFI-based version of io-console that we recently upstreamed to the gem. The io-console tests can't run green on JRuby due to our broken PTY library, but they run green on CRuby. There may still be bugs. See for the work I did to get it working.
To investigate this it would be best to use the irb+reline branch I have pushed here:
Note another issue we thought might be fixed by this move still seems broken under new IRB + reline:
Result of irb_info
irb(main):001:0> irb_info
Ruby version: 2.6.5
IRB version: irb 1.3.4 (2021-02-25)
InputMethod: ReidlineInputMethod with Reline 0.2.4
Terminal Emulator
I am using MacOS Terminal.
Setting Files
No setting files.
Still having issues with backspace. Now also noticing that the escape sequence for arrow keys sometimes shows up in the console:
Did not get cleared:
irb(main):005:0> puts "hello"^[[A
Shows up when up-arrowing through multiline history:
irb(main):010:1> def foo
irb(main):011:1> p^[[A"hello"
irb(main):012:0> end^[[A
STDIN.raw(intr: true, &:getbyte)
returns the same value in CRuby and JRuby if it's alone (the example below), but Reline internal code returns a different value. Specifically, Enter and Ctrl+d return "\r" and 0x04 on CRuby, but "\n" and 0x00 on JRuby.
require 'io/console'
loop do
until c = STDIN.raw(intr: true, &:getbyte)
sleep 0.1
puts "#{c.inspect}"
break if c == 'q'.ord or c == 0x04 or c == 0x00
Also, the code in the Reline is echoed back on JRuby.
@aycabta Ok thank you. I will look into why the FFI io-console doesn't behave properly on JRuby.
I can't reproduce that locally on Darwin:
$ ruby -v console_bug.rb
jruby (2.6.5) 2021-06-01 f960869395 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.4+11 on 11.0.4+11 +jit [darwin-x86_64]
Still hunting for a minimal reproduction of the issue.