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Add API to prestart threads in threadpools

Open catlee opened this issue 1 year ago • 4 comments

For my use case I would like to ensure that when I create a thread pool with min_threads > 0, that the minimum number of workers are created immediately.

The Java interface for ThreadPoolExecutor calls this "prestart". For example: prestartCoreThread and prestartAllCoreThreads:

I have a draft PR (here) that implements a similar API for the CRuby implementation (I left the JRuby implementation for later). It adds both methods, as well as a prestart option to the initializer.

Is this an API change you would consider accepting?

catlee avatar Jan 17 '24 15:01 catlee

What is the advantage of doing so? The disadvantage is it likely causes extra resource consumption (CPU & memory).

eregon avatar Jan 17 '24 15:01 eregon

The advantage is that you get slightly improved latency on handling the first few items that are posted to the pool. On my system, I see about a 0.5ms improvement to handling the first few items when using prestart.

catlee avatar Jan 17 '24 16:01 catlee

I see. Could you share a repro for that? I'd like to try it locally.

eregon avatar Jan 17 '24 16:01 eregon

Here's how I'm trying to measure the impact:

require "concurrent"

def gettime

def measure_latency(prestart)
  pool =, prestart: prestart)
  times = []
  start = gettime { times << (gettime - start) }

def percentiles(times, p)
  times[(times.size * p).ceil - 1]

n = 1000
no_prestart_times = { measure_latency(false) }
prestart_times = { measure_latency(true) }

puts "No prestart:"
puts "  50th percentile: #{percentiles(no_prestart_times, 0.5)}"
puts "  90th percentile: #{percentiles(no_prestart_times, 0.9)}"
puts "  99th percentile: #{percentiles(no_prestart_times, 0.99)}"

puts "Prestart:"
puts "  50th percentile: #{percentiles(prestart_times, 0.5)}"
puts "  90th percentile: #{percentiles(prestart_times, 0.9)}"
puts "  99th percentile: #{percentiles(prestart_times, 0.99)}"

puts "Delta:"
puts "  50th percentile: #{percentiles(no_prestart_times, 0.5) - percentiles(prestart_times, 0.5)}"
puts "  90th percentile: #{percentiles(no_prestart_times, 0.9) - percentiles(prestart_times, 0.9)}"
puts "  99th percentile: #{percentiles(no_prestart_times, 0.99) - percentiles(prestart_times, 0.99)}"

catlee avatar Jan 17 '24 20:01 catlee