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Stop using -SkipCertificateCheck as default parameter with Invoke-RestMethod
Current Behavior
- Invoke-RestMethod calls are made with the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter. This should be optional and up to the user
- Rubrik 9.0.1 module private function Test-ManagedByRSC.ps1 has three occures of Invoke-RestMethod with using -SkipCertificateCheck without testing for Powershell 6.x or higher with causes errors on Windows Powershell 5.1
- Rubrik 9.0.1 module private function Test-ManagedByRSC.ps1 has a ConvertTo-SecureString function without the required -Force option
Expected Behavior
Rubrik module 9.0.1 should be running on Windows Powershell 5,1 Rubrik modules should not use -SkipCertificateCheck by default
Steps to Reproduce
Rubrik 9.0.1. module, Windows Powershell 5.1 Connect-Rubrik -Server xyz -Id 'client|example' -Secret 'examplesecret' -RedirectToRSC
PSVersion : 5.1.17763.6054
PSEdition : Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions : {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion : 10.0.17763.6054
CLRVersion : 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion : 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion : 2.3
SerializationVersion :
HostConsoleName : ConsoleHost
HostConsoleVersion : 5.1.17763.6054
HostCulture : nl-NL
HostCultureUI : en-US
RubrikConnection : True
UserAgentString : RubrikPowerShellSDK-9.0.1--5.1.17763.6054--platform--Win32NT--platform_version--Microso
ft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter17763
RubrikAuthentication : Bearer
RubrikClusterVersion : 9.0.3-p7-25660
RubrikCurrentModuleVersion : 9.0.1
RubrikInstalledModule : 9.0.1, 6.0.1
RubrikModuleOptions : ApplyCustomViewDefinitions = True; CredentialPath = ; DefaultWebRequestTimeOut = 100
RubrikModuleDefaultParameters :
Failure Logs
No response