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remove_column should not be included in BulkChangeTable cop

Open connorshea opened this issue 5 years ago • 4 comments

Rubocop warns about multiple uses of remove_column in the same migration, saying it should be changed to use a change_table, bulk: true. However, change_table has no equivalent means of removing a column in a way which can be reversed. So when you try to fix the warning, a new warning for a non-reversible migration shows up.

Expected behavior

I would expect that multiple uses of remove_column would not cause a warning from Rails/BulkChangeTable, because remove_column can't be converted to change_table in a way that's reversible.

Actual behavior

db/migrate/20190817225925_replace_before_after_values_with_differences_column.rb:4:5: C: Rails/BulkChangeTable: You can use change_table :game_purchase_events, bulk: true to combine alter queries.
    remove_column :game_purchase_events, :before_value, :text

Or, if you change it to use change_table, bulk: true:

db/migrate/20190817225925_replace_before_after_values_with_differences_column.rb:6:7: C: Rails/ReversibleMigration: change_table(with remove) is not reversible.
      t.remove :after_value, :text

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Create a migration like so:
class AddAndRemoveColumnsToTable < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    remove_column :table_name, :before_value, :text
    remove_column :table_name, :after_value, :text
    add_column :table_name, :differences, :jsonb
  1. Enable the Rails/BulkChangeTable and Rails/ReversibleMigration cops
  2. Run bundle exec rubocop, see that there are violations for Rails/BulkChangeTable.
  3. Change your migration to look like this instead:
class AddAndRemoveColumnsToTable < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    change_table :table_name, bulk: true do |t|
      t.remove :before_value
      t.remove :after_value
      t.jsonb :differences
  1. Run Rubocop again
  2. Note that now there's a lint error for Rails/ReversibleMigration (see the docs), t.remove is an alias of remove_columns and it doesn't seem like there's any way to specify a column type. So it's not possible (as far as I can tell) to reversibly use change_table, bulk: true when removing columns.

RuboCop version


connorshea avatar Aug 18 '19 22:08 connorshea

Hi @connorshea, I'm an author of this cop.

If you focus only on suppressing warnings, there is a way to define up and down methods respectively. This is a completely reversible migration.

class AddAndRemoveColumnsToTable < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def up
    change_table :table_name, bulk: true do |t|
      t.remove :before_value
      t.remove :after_value
      t.jsonb :differences

  def down
    change_table :table_name, bulk: true do |t|
      t.text :before_value
      t.text :after_value
      t.remove :differences

But if you feel this way is redundant, I think you should not follow the Rails/BulkChangeTable cop. The bulk is an option and you should use the appropriate option for your situation.

Initially, I added this cop for telling us about how to use grouping alter statements, but I understand the opinion that it's a bit too assertive.

wata727 avatar Aug 19 '19 08:08 wata727

Fair enough, thanks for clarifying 👍

connorshea avatar Aug 20 '19 23:08 connorshea

Note that remove_columns / t.remove will be reversible in Rails 6.1 via

eugeneius avatar Jun 08 '20 04:06 eugeneius

Hi @wata727 ! Now that Rails 6.1 released, I feel like this issue could be re-evaluated. Should a line like t.remove :my_string, type: :string in a bulk migration raise a lint error ?

Tao-Galasse avatar Sep 14 '21 14:09 Tao-Galasse

@wata727 Can you sort out the current situation and work on this?

koic avatar Apr 04 '23 07:04 koic

I believe this issue is already ready to be closed. The remove_column is a bulk changeable transformation and should be included in the BulkChangeTable cop. As a result of the fix, the ReversibleMigration cop may add a new offense, but it's avoidable and it's not the responsibility of this cop.

wata727 avatar Apr 04 '23 17:04 wata727

By the way, this list of combinable transformations seems a bit outdated. Perhaps we can add the list below:

  • change_default
  • change_null (PostgreSQL only)
  • blob
  • tinyblob (MySQL only)
  • mediumblob (MySQL only)
  • longblob (MySQL only)
  • tinytext (MySQL only)
  • mediumtext (MySQL only)
  • longtext (MySQL only)
  • unsigned_integer (MySQL only)
  • unsigned_bigint (MySQL only)
  • unsigned_float (MySQL only)
  • unsigned_decimal (MySQL only)
  • bigserial (PostgreSQL only)
  • bit (PostgreSQL only)
  • bit_varying (PostgreSQL only)
  • cidr (PostgreSQL only)
  • citext (PostgreSQL only)
  • daterange (PostgreSQL only)
  • hstore (PostgreSQL only)
  • inet (PostgreSQL only)
  • interval (PostgreSQL only)
  • int4range (PostgreSQL only)
  • int8range (PostgreSQL only)
  • jsonb (PostgreSQL only)
  • ltree (PostgreSQL only)
  • macaddr (PostgreSQL only)
  • money (PostgreSQL only)
  • numrange (PostgreSQL only)
  • oid (PostgreSQL only)
  • point (PostgreSQL only)
  • line (PostgreSQL only)
  • lseg (PostgreSQL only)
  • box (PostgreSQL only)
  • path (PostgreSQL only)
  • polygon (PostgreSQL only)
  • circle (PostgreSQL only)
  • serial (PostgreSQL only)
  • tsrange (PostgreSQL only)
  • tstzrange (PostgreSQL only)
  • tsvector (PostgreSQL only)
  • uuid (PostgreSQL only)
  • xml (PostgreSQL only)
  • timestamptz (PostgreSQL only)
  • enum (PostgreSQL only)


  • ALTER operations
  • column methods

wata727 avatar Apr 04 '23 17:04 wata727

@wata727 Superb! I'll close this issue. OTOH, If you'd like, please open a PR as the results of your investigation if necessary. Thank you!

koic avatar Apr 04 '23 17:04 koic