Ruben W.

Results 20 comments of Ruben W.

Nice find! Should be easy enough to fix :)

I've written a few Source Generators. My note would be to look into Incremental Source Generators if you decide to go this route. The perf of a normal ISourceGenerator isn't...

Hey, I love the idea! So much, I even signed up here to offer my contribution. If someone could give a hint where to start, I would be happy to...

@Suyashtnt I don't get what exactly you are asking for. If you give a little more context I might be able to help. At least in my project the FolderBrowser-Dialog...

@sergiosolorzano what I meant by that is that the DLLs I included in this PR are from the Unity installation - they are the mono/4.5 ones from `\Editor\Data\MonoBleedingEdge\lib\mono\4.5`. If you...

@chaoslife depends on what you mean by that. The assemblies are taken from the mono runtime, so they probably don't target .netstandard2.0. That doesn't mean that this wil cause issue...

@jhocking Maybe what I did for #76 might help. Cheers!

If other folks are also still on 1.13.0 and hitting this and don't want to upgrade, here's a patched DLL for that. (Edited with dnSpy). [](

We are also hitting the exact same issue in production right now. In our case we are on 11.4.0: ``` *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***...