Ruben De Smet

Results 120 comments of Ruben De Smet

What about KMAC?

> For fair comparison with optimized implementation for Bulletproofs, our protocols are implemented in Rust using the curve25519-dalek library for ECC operations [54] and compared with the January 2020 git...

> Re: peer review, yous know that it usually doesn't check proofs, right? (And peer reviewers are explicitly not required to even look at "supplementary information", which the proofs are...

Has there been any work on this back end yet? If not, I'm interested in taking a look.

Agreed. Give me a ping if you want some man-hours spend on this. It would be very cool to have `curve25519-dalek` as **the** fastest library on *all* platforms :-)


> However, if you need to do ECC inside a circuit, including Pedersen Commitments, then you first need to implement an embedded curve inside Ristretto group and implement its group...

Hi, I have a design for this laying around, and a fork of this crate with it implemented, and proofs. Would you mind sending me an email? We're still pushing...

An update from the Whisperfish side: we're now able to build prost (and transitively petgraph) correctly, whatever "correctly" means here. I see some parallels between our SB2 environment and WSL....

From that SE post, it seems like `iw` is the replacement: > iwlist is seriously deprecated. Remove it from your system and never use it again. Do the same with...