weekly copied to clipboard
[工具推荐] 浏览器插件enablecopy,解除网页复制限制
https://enablecopy.com/ 新加坡前端工程师Goh Tong开发了一个Chrome和Edge浏览器的插件,一键解除网页限制,解除网页禁用右键,任意复制网页上的内容 ,亲测对CSDN等网站有效。
原理可以看这篇文章 https://blog.csdn.net/kaiyuanheshang/article/details/130982465
My advice is to avoid the SuperCopy extension for Google Chrome and other browsers. It interferes with keypresses. It may even be logging keypresses. I first noticed this when I was unable to use keyboard controls with Netflix. I discovered SuperCopy was preventing the conflict with Netflix, because the problem went away when I disabled the extension. I contacted Goh Tong about it, but he would not respond.