Wenjun Ruan
Wenjun Ruan
It's better to rename it to WeChat-webhook, rather than webhook. Not all webhooks can support markdown.
Could you provide the master log? And how to reproduce this bug.
When worker failover, it's better to take-over the remote task instance which running in yarn or some else. This should have a design doc, and it's better to split the...
This is a front-end bug?
Do you mean the quartz doesn't work?
Right now, we only support transport the value by column. If you have two column in your table `t_screen`, you need to add two param. It is a usefully feature...
Please resolve the conflict, move the constant is ok for me.
Due to 3.2.1 has been released, and this will not affect the release package, I removed the 3.2.1 milestone.
Since this PR is no longer updated, I submit #15803 to fix this problem, thanks for your PR.
The ut failed which has been fixed by #5778, please rebase the upstream dev.