gambas icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gambas copied to clipboard

Inline PDF templates that use prawn (gambas in Spanish)

Gambas produces inline PDF files via normal Rails view templates using the prawn library. Use the pdf instance of Prawn::Document in the views to build your PDFs with the prawn's DSL.

Check the test/dummy Rails app for examples.


gem install gambas

or add to your Gemfile

gem 'gambas'


Create a view template e.g. index.pdf.prawn or index.pdf.erb. In the view you can use the pdf object to create the PDF document:

pdf.text "This is a line of text."

adds a line of text into your PDF file.

In the index view add a branch to your respond_to block

format.pdf { render :pdf => :contents }


You can configure the defaults of the Prawn::Document by specifying a hash in your config[environment].rb files:

config.gambas_options = { :page_size => "TABLOID" }

You can also configure single PDF documents, by passing an hash to pdf_options, such as metadata, page size, layout, etc.

respond_to do |format|
	format.pdf do 
		render :pdf => :contents, :pdf_options => { 
		  :page_size => [275, 326],
		  :info => { 
		    :Title => "My title",
		    :Author => "John Doe",
		    :Subject => "My Subject",
		    :Keywords => "test metadata ruby pdf dry",
		    :Creator => "ACME Soft App",
		    :Producer => "Prawn",
		    :CreationDate =>,
		    :Grok => "Test Property" 

Copyright © 2012 Artan Sinani