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Codes for "Template-free Prompt Tuning for Few-shot NER".
How do you do validation?
tag extension how to be used in few-shot. Could you please describe as detailed as possible? Thank you very much
Hello~ If I want to apply it in the field of keyphrase extraction, what should I pay attention to the most?
你好!论文中提到搜索label words时借助了unlabeled data和lexicon-based annotation,但是我发现代码目录`dataset/conll/distant_data`里的数据好像就是conll03数据集的全量数据,并不是远程监督得到的数据,请问这点能解释下吗?
一般在MLM中,通常屏蔽给定句子中特定百分比的单词,模型期望基于该句子中的其他单词预测这些被屏蔽的单词。那么在把实体识别任务转换成MLM(EntLM)的话,是要mask所有单词吗,毕竟最终需要对每个token都预测一个label word。