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[book] add an example how to use an `Instant` from monotonic
It took me some time to figure out that it is possible to call monotonics::now()
and it returns an Instant
Maybe there should be a paragraph about this and how to use it for various time operations like:
use rtic::app;
mod monotonic;
#[app(device = stm32l0xx_hal::pac, peripherals = true, dispatchers = [I2C1])]
mod app {
use crate::monotonic::ExtendedMonotonicTimer;
// notice that rtic::time is just reexported embedded_time
use rtic::time::duration::*;
use rtic::time::Instant;
use stm32l0xx_hal::{adc::*, gpio::*, pac, prelude::*, rcc::Config};
#[monotonic(binds = TIM21, default = true)]
type MyMono = ExtendedMonotonicTimer<pac::TIM21>;
struct Shared {}
struct Local {
ts: Instant<ExtendedMonotonicTimer<pac::TIM21>>,
fn init(ctx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local, init::Monotonics) {
let mono = MyMono::new(dp.TIM21.timer(1000.Hz(), &mut rcc));
Shared {},
Local {
ts: Instant::new(0),
#[task(local = [ts])]
fn foo(ctx: foo::Context) {
use core::convert::TryInto;
let diff: Option<Milliseconds> = monotonics::now()
.and_then(|dur| dur.try_into().ok());
match diff {
Some(Milliseconds(t)) if t >= 1000 => {
defmt::info!("t {}", t);
_ => {}
foo::spawn_at(monotonics::now() + 100.milliseconds()).unwrap();
That is a mouthful. It is nontrivial to figure out such pattern (maybe there is better way).
It turned out we can do this:
#[task(local = [ts])]
fn foo(ctx: foo::Context) {
if monotonics::now() - *ctx.local.ts >= Milliseconds(1000).into() {
*ctx.local.ts = monotonics::now();
foo::spawn_at(monotonics::now() + 100.milliseconds()).unwrap();
When the following PR is merged: https://github.com/FluenTech/embedded-time/pull/122
The following will work:
#[task(local = [ts])]
fn foo(ctx: foo::Context) {
if monotonics::now() - *ctx.local.ts >= 1000.milliseconds() {
*ctx.local.ts = monotonics::now();
foo::spawn_at(monotonics::now() + 100.milliseconds()).unwrap();