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NCurses Library for Go
When I try to go get the library I'm given the following error. Does this mean that there are system calls being made in the library that are not supported...
I need to run an external application. StackOverflow recommends this way [1]: > def_prog_mode() then endwin() > execute system call > and refresh() should restore it [1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3258163/c-going-from-ncurses-ui-to-external-program-and-back Is there...
When I execute the code without Goncurses, it runs successfully. However, when I run it with Goncurses, it encounters issues. Here are some relevant log entries:  And again here...
Thanks the authors to export this useful UI library to golang. Just one suggestion: Could you please add a "locale" parameter to Init () function to support multi language? As:...
I was getting `invalid flag in pkg-config --libs: -Wl,--push-state,--as-needed`, and that was fixed with `export CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW=".*" && export CGO_LDFLAGS_ALLOW=".*"`. But now I'm getting this when running `go build`: ``` #...
I cannot work out how to add color to a part of a MenuItem. When I try droping ansi sequences into the string, I get nothing... Is there a better...