elm-workshop copied to clipboard
An introductory Elm workshop. Video available on Frontend Masters!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Enjoy!
Getting Started
Install Node.js 6.9.2 or higher
Add a plugin for your editor of choice: Atom, Sublime Text, VS Code, Light Table, Vim, Emacs, Brackets
Not required, but highly recommended: enable "
on save" in your editor. -
Run the following command to install everything else:
npm install -g elm elm-test elm-css [email protected] elm-format@exp
Note to macOS users: If step 4 gives you an EACCESS
error, try this fix:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(npm config get prefix)/{lib/node_modules,bin,share}
Then re-run step 4.
Clone this repository
Run this at the terminal:
git clone https://github.com/rtfeldman/elm-workshop.git
cd elm-workshop
Note: Tab characters are syntax errors in Elm code, so if your editor uses them for indentation, definitely switch it to spaces for this workshop!
Create a GitHub Personal Access Token
We'll be using GitHub's Search API, and authenticated API access lets us experiment without worrying about the default rate limit. Since we'll only be accessing the Search API, these steps can be done either on your personal GitHub account or on a throwaway account created for this workshop; either way will work just as well.
- Visit https://github.com/settings/tokens/new
- Enter "Elm Workshop" under "Token description" and leave everything else blank.
- Create the token and copy it into a new file called
module Auth exposing (token)
token =
-- Your token should go here instead of this sample token:
Note: Even for a token that has no permissions, good security habits are
still important! Auth.elm
is in .gitignore
to avoid accidentally checking in
an API secret, and you should delete this token when the workshop is over.
Verify Setup
Run this to install packages:
elm-package install --yes
Once that succeeds, run this to verify everything:
elm-live Main.elm --open --output=elm.js
A browser should open, and you should see this in it:
If things aren't working, the instructor will be happy to help!
Start with Part 1
Run this at the terminal:
cd part1
Now head over to the README for Part 1!