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A Java API for Developing Automated Trading Applications for the Equity, Futures, and Currency Markets
Properly handle error message from IB: Quote engine error: id='43' errorCode='162' message='Historical Market Data Service error message:HMDS query returned no data: GOOGL@SMART Trades' Currently the call to request the historical...
Hi, I've been looking into the Sums Zero API a way to exit from operation. I know that this would enter: `TradeOrder order = new TradeOrder(orderId, ticker, amount, TradeDirection.SELL); ibClient.placeOrder(order);`...
Currently when a market data subscription to Interactive Brokers is created, but IB can't find the information, an error is returned saying that a security definition for the request can't...
Failed with the message: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.sumzerotrading:sumzero-ib-common-api:jar:0.1.7-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find com.ib:interactive-brokers-api:jar:9.73 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the...
Add support for requesting market data and placing trades for stock/futures options with Interactive Brokers.
Create a fluent API for ticker symbols so that they can be configured with less code. ie FuturesTicker ticker = new FuturesTicker("CL").setExpiryMonth(3).setExpiryYear(12).setCurrency("USD")
I have noticed that there are some threads running after calling the InteractiveBrokersClientInterface.unsubscribeLevel1() method as well as InteractiveBrokersClientInterface.disconnect(). Are there any methods which can be used to close the running...