
Results 54 issues of rtek1000

### LVGL version The latest version available on GitHub ### What happened? I bought a display and I'm trying to compile the demo project, but an error occurs that a...


Hello, I found this: > Given that the SPI bus can be so constrained on bandwidth, how come fbcp-ili9341 seems to be able to update at up to 60fps? The...

### The problem Cloning into '/media/user/GitHub/Rtek1000/LED_Panel_P10_Fight_Timer_DMD2_HUB12'... remote: Enumerating objects: 554, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done. error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: CANCEL...

Only raise issues for problems with the library and/or provided examples. Post questions, comments and useful tips etc in the "Discussions" section. To minimise effort to resolve issues the following...

Hello, i would like to report a problem, i got around, but it may be necessary to find another better alternative. https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000CDolzDSQR/ethernet-does-not-work-if-uc-starts-with-the-cable-disconnected

Hello, congratulations for your job! I found a problem with file openwrt-hlk-rm04-4m-32m-luci-usb-mjpg.bin. I have sucess to change ram to 32MB, I replaced from original chip to a Samsung K4S561632D-TC1L, PC-100...

Hello, At try burn bootloader to Attiny85@16MHZ (internal PLL; 4V3 BOD): avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e930b avrdude: erasing chip avrdude: reading input file "{bootloader.unlock_bits}" avrdude: invalid byte value ({bootloader.unlock_bits}) specified...

Interesting, maybe it works better with flow control, to signal when the MCU can send the data, and wait for the correct time to send data.

Hello, Is it normal for the binary HEX/S19 file generated by Platformio/SDCC to be larger than the code generated by STVD/Cosmic? The attached codes are complete projects for using serial...

Hello, I was researching the best ADC performance of the ATmega328, and found this reference below: > Don’t forget to DIDR! > the DIDR (Data Input Disable Register) disconnects the...
