qbittorrent_telegram_notification icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
qbittorrent_telegram_notification copied to clipboard

Bash script that sends a message to the telegram bot after the qbitTorrent finishes downloading a torrent.

qBittorrent Telegram Notification Script.

Linux and MacOS supported (idk about Windows, why would you use bash on windows?)

qBittorrent Setup:

  • Create a directory for the scripts located in the release (can be downloaded raw), We'll assume that the directory is (MacOS Dir)


  • Copy both "qbittorrent_telegram_notification.sh" and "bot_credentials.sh" into the folder

  • Make sure the script has execute permissions via chmod or xattr on mac

  • Open the qBittorrent settings on Desktop or WebUI > Settings > Downloads > Scroll to the bottom and tick the box that says "Run on torrent finished"

  • Add the path of the script along with the required parameters such as /Users/%user%/Documents/qBittorrent/TelegramNotification/qbittorrent_telegram_notification.sh “%N” “%L” “%Z” "%T".

  • The script has been modified to allow you to also pass “%T”

  • Do not that on MacOS you will have to add "sh" at the beginning of the path to ensure that it is launched which will look like this sh /Users/%user%/Documents/qBittorrent/TelegramNotification/qbittorrent_telegram_notification.sh “%N” “%L” “%Z”.

Note: You can add additional parameters inside the script by $1, $2, and so on (quickly serach for "!!!" in the file). (i.e: TORRENT_NAME="$1") $1 and $2 indicate the position of the paramaters in order so if the paramter you want is 4th in line after “%N” “%L” “%Z” you will specify PARAMETER="$4" 4 representing that it is fourth in line

By default the following paramters are available:

  • “%N” = Name
  • “%L” = Category
  • “%Z” = Torrent size (bytes) [This is converted into MB or GB later on, if it fails it will print a fail message on the notification]
  • "%T" = Current Tracker

Setting up the Telegram Bot

  • First you'll need to message "BotFather" and using the menu or text type /newbot, it'll put you through an interactive menu,
  • Once you have your bot, copy HTTP API token it generated in the chat to the bot_credentials.sh file on the first line "BOT_TOKEN="
  • Next you'll need to either go to the bot profile or create a group or channel, access this channel via web browser and on the URL you'll see something like https://web.telegram.org/k/#XXXXXXXXX
  • Copy everything after the # and paste it into the 2nd line that has the "CHAT_ID=" in the bot_credentials.sh, some blogs state that this should be a purely numeric value however if you have a special character this is fine too.

Note: If you want the bot to DM you instead of creating a group chat, you'll need to message "Get My ID" on Telegram and click the button, the Telegram bot will give you the Chat ID which you will use in the credentials.


I may or may not update this in the future for the messages to use a table instead however they look neat as is and accept long file names with spaces in between unlike the original crap.