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ANTARES Visualizations
- un graphique pour chaque type graphique de plotTs (6 types de graphiques) - un graphique pour chaque type d'empilement dans prodStack - même comportement pour exchangeStack - une carte...
An user which see a map with some variables on an area will be able to plot a curve/monotone/distribution of one of this variables.
plotMap -> visualize data for ONE timeID plot-> visualize data for SEVERAL timeID but not spatially We will choose a particular timeID to visualize in the plotMap thanks to the...
My dear François, Is it/could it be possible to change the number of decimals to display in the labels of plotMap ? Thank you very much, Baptiste
But : pouvoir représenter sur le même graphique wind_fr_mcYear01 et wind_fr_mcYear02 mais aussi wind_fr_mcYear01 et link_de_fr_mcYear01 - [x] mcYear - [ ] table
pour info, ```R cyclocomp_package_dir(path = ".") DONE (antaresViz) name cyclocomp 21 plot.antaresData 77 22 plot.list 77 24 plot.simOptions 77 40 tsPlot 77 25 plotMap 64 12 exchangesStack 53 29...
An user will be able to choose a symbol for each variable like LOAD, WIND or MRG.PRICE. Each symbol will be associated with a color legend.