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RtcwPro - Competition Mod for Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Return to Castle Wolfenstein Mod/Engine - based on OSPx/xMod (created by Nate) with additions from RtcwPub, ioRtcw, Enemy Territory, ET Legacy, ETPub, and other Q3 mods
Main objective: create a competition mod similar to OSP with updates for tournaments and pugs
To run a RtcwPro server (Linux only) you may use Msh Docker available here: https://github.com/msh100/rtcw
To install RtcwPro client follow these instructions: https://rtcwpro.com/install-instructions.htm
Change Log
- corrected head hitboxes (RtcwPub port)
- faster PK3 downloads (ioRtcw port)
- unlag antilag
- antiwarp
- player HUD names during spectating
- updated statistics
- global level server configuration (ET port)
- server cvar restrictions (ET port)
- sv_fps fix for flamethrower
- allow teams feature for ET map porting (i.e. specific team can open doors with lock)
- minimizer using "minimize" console command
1.1 changelog
- dead bodies cannot grab spawn flags
- specatator freecam can select a player by aiming at them and pressing +attack
- JSON stat files created for web stats (in progress)
1.1.1 changelog
- UPS meter (cg_drawSpeed)
- Added headshot damage cvar to help with antilag/hitbox changes (g_hsDamage)
1.1.2 changelog
- added nopicmip to tree/ivy/truss shaders so high values of picmip will not remove them
1.2 changelog
- Release 1.2 includes custom client (wolfMP.exe) to allow cvar restrictions, http downloads, and many other features
- various renderer and overflow fixes
- add http downloads: cl_wwwdownload, sv_wwwdownload, sv_wwwbaseurl
- add new resolutions (r_mode): /modelist
- skybox fixes, clamping etc
- add r_bloom (demo only)
- add r_textureanisotropy
- new flaring, r_flareCoeff etc
- reduce only non-radius damage knockback
- fix knockback issues during revives
- restore revive boosting
- fix clients hanging on level change
- fix vote exploits: suicide etc
- userinfo exploit fixes
- nuke string fixes
- add ipv6 support
- reworked respawn server: safer transitions
- add new menu script handling
- add mouse wheel scrollable server list
- default primitives to 2
- equalize default values for most cvars with pb cvar list
- fix download exploit
- add custom spawn of entities: fs/maps/mapname.spawns
- add raw mouse input: /in_mouse 2 /in_restart
- add json stats generation
- post json stats to remote url: g_stats_curl_submit
- fix pause limits
- add additional pause info on pause
- fix crash on callvote map during pause
- add new colors and add support for them in console
- fix ref's status during pause
- fix obj disappearing into map geometry
- fix players collision into world: related to the above (very old vanilla bug)
- add comprehensive cvar restriction: sv_gameconfig
or /config - thread stats submission and other curl calls to avoid lag
- fix dynos moving during pause
- remove /r_wolffog from cheat protected cvars
- add cg_hitsounds and g_hitsounds: latter controls it
- add new country flags
- add new logo
- remove SP asset stuff
- add challenge validation on the server side
- add UDP filtering on the server side to prevent common flood attacks against servers
- fix team overlay with teams greater than teammaxoverlay
- fix crash with stats related to dyno splash damage
- fix incorrect dyno defused print for defending team dynos
- fix player muting
- fix pause-game clock related issues
- fix /handicap bugs: removed the command altogether
- fix random player class changes
- fix demo view options, third person etc
- add TAB
value expansion in console for current cvar values - fix infinite load screens during map change
- fix num maps limit on the server side: tested with 100
- fix taking damage from world during pause
- unlatch com_maxfps so it doesn't need vid_restart
- add autoexec_mapname on the client side: e.g. main/autoexec_mp_ice.cfg
- add enemy timer: /timerset
- fix panzer/instant gib damage issues
- add g_spawnOffset for spawn time offset between teams: random between 1 and cvar integer - 1
- refactor antilag to rewind more accurately
- fix revive anim bug
- auto s_stop for K_SPACE while watching demos
- default /com_hunkmegs to 256
- increase cvar buffer in engine to avoid overflows
- check if file exists for callvote map in mod
- add an unload mod button to options > mods
- fix warmup damage
- display obj icon for team mates in team overlay
- new ref command: /ref rename
- add shoutcaster role /scs
- add /ref logout and /scs logout
- shoutcasters can see dynamite timers above dynos
- shoutcasters can use /noclip
- shoutcasters can see obj triggers: cg_drawTriggers
- shoutcasters can change spectator freecam speed: /specspeed
- shoutcasters can see both teams' reinforcement time
- add adjustable console height: con_height 0.1-1 and shortcuts for it e.g. shift+console key and alt+console key
- toggle bodies grabbing flags: g_bodiesGrabFlags
- allow join during pause
- add custom screen shake: g_screenShake
- default r_mode to 6
- add cg_tracers
1.2.1 changelog
- Note for linux servers: always run the image with root permissions!
- client: fix /map and /devmap on the client side
- client: display current round time in warmup between rounds
- client: add new style for RT: cg_drawReinforcementTime 1 = default, 2 = new, 3 = default and new
- client: add new style for ERT: cg_drawEnemyTimer 1 = default, 2 = new, 3 = default and new
- client: change RT color: cg_reinforcementTimeColor green = default
- client: change ERT color: cg_enemyTimerColor red = default
- client: change default RT position: cg_reinforcementTimeX 95 = default, cg_reinforcementTimeY 50 = default
- client: change new RT position: cg_reinforcementTimeProX 145 = default, cg_reinforcementTimeProY 445 = default
- client: change default ERT position: cg_enemyTimerX 98 = default, cg_enemyTimerY 60 = default
- client: change new ERT position: cg_enemyTimerProX 185 = default, cg_enemyTimerProY 445 = default
- client: add autoexec_team: _axis, _allies, and _spectator
- client: add autoexec_class: _s _e _m _l (soldier, engineer, medic, lieutenant)
- client: fix a keyboard bind key issue on azerty keyboards
- client: split (bitflag) cg_hitsounds: 1 = hs only, 2 = body only, 4 = team only, 7 = all (1+2+4)
- client: add cg_findMedic 1 = default: toggle camera lock at medics when waiting for a revive
- client: free up the ^ char so it can be used in con notify and names
- client: minor draw fixes to accommodate new stuff
- client: add cg_drawGun 2: hide only weapons (not holdables)
- client: change console color: con_color -1 = default, int from 0 to 31 based on vanilla color codes/keys
- server: shoutcasters always noclip
- server: fix bug that causes abnormal cpu usage and ping
- server: fix a bug missed on 1.2 with obj getting lost in solids
- server: fix bug where medics will drop weapon on death
- server: include server IP in stats
- server: fix specinvites not being transferred between sessions
- server: fix sv_gameConfig not loading on startup: cvar is now read only (set from command line on startup)
- server: add g_mapScriptDirectory "" = default: folder needs to be in fs
- server: fix validaiton for cvar rest causing incorrect violation kicks
- server: fix end of round announcer sounds
- server: fix stats offset bug with map_restart on SW2
- server: fix swap after map_restart on SW2
- server: add objective captures to json events and player stats
1.2.2 changelog
- server: lowercase expected file name for map configs (linux)
- server: lowercase expected file name for .spawns files (linux)
- server: only exec map configs on map load (not map restart)
- server: fix ready status being reset on client death
- server: shoutcasters can follow other shoutcasters by /follow id
- server: shoutcasters can /followobj to follow active obj carrier (if any)
- server: shoutcasters can /noclip
- server: add map name search on /callvote map
- server: add /maps to list maps on server
1.2.3 changelog
- server: fix early airstrikes bug
- server: add vote_allow_cointoss
1.2.4 changelog
- server: fix callvote map matching of maps that differ by number
- server: add g_damageRadiusKnockback to change explosions knockback, default 1000
- server: do not submit stats for early exit rounds
- server: do not submit stats if no more than 2 players are active
- server: add server country to json output
- server: fix bug where clients spawn with varying health instead of respecting number of team medics
- server: fix hitsound sequence issues
- client: change default for cg_reinforcementTimeColor to red
- client: change default for cg_enemyTimerColor to green
- client: add cl_activateLean to toggle leaning when holding move keys and +activate, default 1
- client: add cg_hitsoundBodyStyle 1-5 to change body hitsound, default 1
- client: add cg_hitsoundHeadStyle 1-8 to change head hitsound, default 1
- client: add cg_notifyTextX and cg_notifyTextY to change kill feed position
- client: add cg_notifyTextWidth to change kill feed char width, default 8
- client: add cg_notifyTextHeight to change kill feed char height, default 8
- client: add cg_notifyTextShadow to toggle shadowing of kill feed
- client: add cg_chatX and cg_chatY to change chat position
- client: add cg_teamOverlayX and cg_teamOverlayY to change team overlay position
- client: add cg_compassX and cg_compassY to change compass position
- client: add cg_lagometerX and cg_lagometerY to change lagometer position
- client: add cg_drawFrags to toggle "you killed" frag center prints
- client: add cg_fragsY to change frag center print position
- client: add cg_fragsWidth to change frag center print char width size, default 16
- client: add cg_zoomedSensLock to toggle zoom sens lock when zooming in
- client: add cg_pauseMusic
- client: un-hardcode cg_zoomedSens
- client: disable http due to overflows causing crashes
- client: deprecate con_color due to a possible crash
- client: only draw triggers in freecam
- client: don't draw dynamite timers when scoreboard is up
- client: remove unneeded delay in the default body hitsound
- client: fix bug where raw input will keep initializing for no reason
- client: fix draw obj icon not updating when it should
- client: fix weapon switch to pistol at dropweapon when holding ammo packs
- client: fix spawn shield icons not showing up
- client: fix player bounding box collision/sticking
- client: optimize events handling
1.2.5 changelog
- client/server: revert #323 fix that 'broke' hitreg
- server: clean out SP entities on the server side to prevent crashes when loading SP maps
- server: make sv_checkversion read only
- client: revert events to 1.2.3 state
- client: deprecate cg_pauseMusic due to a possible crash
1.2.7 changelog
- asset: Added quake head hitsound - headStyle 9
- asset: Added new country flags
- asset: Added new medpack image with more red color
- config: Added cg_errordecay, r_showtris, and r_shownormals to server template configs
- client: Added custom console colors and alpha
- client: Adjusted raw mouse input
- client: Fixed cdkey generation
- client: Added cg_muzzleFlash 2 to show flash on client and enemy
- client: Added mouse buttons 4 and 5
- client/server: Print who issued /readyteam in console
- client/server: Center print when opponent loses objective
- client/server: Improved end of round sound duplication
- client/server: Added download message for invalid client version
- client/server: Fixed footstep bobbing for high FPS
- client/server: Fixed cg gun frame crash on team switch
- server: Kick players with shared guids that are messing up stats
- server: Fixed kick voting so it only looks at player count on the team that called the vote
- server: Fixed team locking during warmup/disconnects
- server: Prevent document revive bug
- server: Fixed artillery instant kill bug
- server: Added cvar to control forcetapout
- server: Fixed map voting when loading mapindex 0
- server: Fixed knockback for fps
- server: Fixed maxlives so players do not respawn
- server: Fixed objective capture stats
- server: Fixed vote percent for non startmatch votes
- server: Record filename when FS_FileForHandle is NULL
- server: #387 Fixed grenade splash damage
- server: Added a few logging prints for json stats submit to API
- server: Fixed stats sync issue
- server: #345 change to next best weapon when killed with primed grenade
- server: Fixed spawn flag stats
- server: #382 reset objective and dyno stats on end of AB round
- server: Issue #379 Fixed warmup stats
- server: Issue #372 Fixed objective destroyed stats
- server: Added 'true' ping from rtcwPub
- server: Fixed physics for FPS (1.2.61 already released to a few servers)
- server: Added /maps command
If you have any questions/comments/concerns then feel free to reach out to us on Discord: https://discord.gg/fn9JVWnbTx
RtcwPro Dev Team -nihilist, KrazyKaze, Tarator
Contributions from Nate, Dutchmeat, Nobo, S4NDM4NN, crumbs, and Spaztik Additional credits for public code: Nobo, Nico, suburb, jinx, rhea, OpenJK, ETLegacy, ETpub, Jaymod, ioquake, iortcw. Installer powered by Advanced Installer: https://www.advancedinstaller.com/