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modules: examples use outdated configuration directives
A lot of modules use outdated configuration directives, like $ModLoad. The should use the new, preferred syntax.
This is just an example:
# grep \$ModLoad * -R
compatibility/v3compatibility.rst: $ModLoad immark # provides --MARK-- message capability
compatibility/v3compatibility.rst: $ModLoad imudp # provides UDP syslog reception
compatibility/v3compatibility.rst: $ModLoad imtcp # provides TCP syslog reception
compatibility/v3compatibility.rst: $ModLoad imgssapi # provides GSSAPI syslog reception
compatibility/v3compatibility.rst: $ModLoad imuxsock # provides support for local system logging (e.g. via logger command)
compatibility/v3compatibility.rst: $ModLoad imklog # provides kernel logging support (previously done by rklogd)
compatibility/v3compatibility.rst: $ModLoad immark
compatibility/v3compatibility.rst: $ModLoad imudp
compatibility/v3compatibility.rst: $ModLoad imudp
compatibility/v3compatibility.rst: $ModLoad imklog
compatibility/v3compatibility.rst:statements to the top of your rsyslog.conf (but after the $ModLoad's!) -
concepts/messageparser.rst:can be loaded via $ModLoad just like any other loadable module. It is
configuration/ruleset/rsconf1_rulesetcreatemainqueue.rst: $ModLoad imtcp
configuration/ruleset/rsconf1_rulesetparser.rst:- load your custom parsers via $ModLoad
configuration/ruleset/rsconf1_rulesetparser.rst:$ModLoad imudp $ModLoad pmdevice1 # load parser "device1.parser" for
configuration/ruleset/rsconf1_rulesetparser.rst:device 1 $ModLoad pmdevice2 # load parser "device2.parser" for device 2
configuration/global/options/rsconf1_modload.rst:``$ModLoad ommysql # load MySQL functionality $ModLoad /rsyslog/modules/ # load the postgres module via absolute path``
configuration/rsyslog-example.conf:# $ModLoad - Dynamically loads a plug-in and activates it
configuration/rsyslog-example.conf:$ModLoad ommysql # load MySQL functionality
configuration/rsyslog-example.conf:$ModLoad /rsyslog/modules/ # load a module via absolute path
configuration/modules/ommail.rst: $ModLoad ommail
configuration/modules/ommail.rst: $ModLoad ommail
configuration/modules/omrelp.rst: $ModLoad omrelp
configuration/modules/mmnormalize.rst:$ModLoad mmnormalize $mmnormalizeRuleBase /path/to/rulebase.rb \*.\*
configuration/modules/omsnmp.rst: $ModLoad omsnmp
configuration/modules/imptcp.rst: $ModLoad imptcp # needs to be done just once
configuration/modules/omlibdbi.rst:$ModLoad omlibdbi $ActionLibdbiDriver mysql $ActionLibdbiHost
configuration/modules/omhdfs.rst: $ModLoad omhdfs $OMHDFSFileName /var/log/logfile \*.\* :omhdfs:
configuration/modules/imfile.rst: $ModLoad imfile # needs to be done just once
configuration/modules/imtcp.rst: $ModLoad imtcp # needs to be done just once
configuration/modules/omfwd.rst: $ModLoad omfwd
configuration/modules/gssapi.rst:- $ModLoad omgssapi - load output gss module
configuration/modules/gssapi.rst:- $ModLoad `imgssapi <imgssapi.html>`_ - load input gss module
configuration/modules/omuxsock.rst: $ModLoad omucsock
configuration/modules/mmsnmptrapd.rst:$ModLoad mmsnmptrapd # needs to be done just once # ... other module
configuration/modules/ommysql.rst:$ModLoad ommysql $ActionOmmysqlServerPort 1234 # use non-standard port
configuration/modules/omoracle.rst: $ModLoad omoracle
configuration/modules/imgssapi.rst: $ModLoad imgssapi # needs to be done just once
configuration/modules/imrelp.rst: $ModLoad imrelp # needs to be done just once
configuration/modules/imsolaris.rst: $ModLoad imsolaris
configuration/modules/pmlastmsg.rst:$ModLoad pmlastmsg # this parser is NOT a built-in module # note that
configuration/modules/omudpspoof.rst:$ModLoad omudpspoof $ActionOMUDPSpoofTargetHost
configuration/modules/omudpspoof.rst:$ModLoad omudpspoof $template spoofaddr,"" $template
configuration/modules/omudpspoof.rst:$ModLoad omudpspoof $template spoofaddr,""
configuration/modules/im3195.rst: $ModLoad im3195 $Input3195ListenPort 1601
configuration/modules/index.rst:been loaded (using $ModLoad).
configuration/modules/imklog.rst: $ModLoad imklog
configuration/modules/imudp.rst: $ModLoad imudp # needs to be done just once
configuration/modules/impstats.rst: $ModLoad impstats
configuration/modules/omruleset.rst:$ModLoad omruleset # define ruleset for commonly written file $RuleSet
configuration/modules/omruleset.rst:$ModLoad omruleset # define "second" ruleset $RuleSet nested
configuration/modules/imuxsock.rst: $ModLoad imuxsock # needs to be done just once
configuration/modules/imuxsock.rst: $ModLoad imuxsock # needs to be done just once
configuration/modules/imuxsock.rst: $ModLoad imuxsock # needs to be done just once
configuration/modules/imuxsock.rst: $ModLoad imuxsock # needs to be done just once
configuration/modules/imuxsock.rst: $ModLoad imuxsock # needs to be done just once
configuration/modules/mmjsonparse.rst:$ModLoad mmjsonparse \*.\* :mmjsonparse:
configuration/modules/imkmsg.rst:$ModLoad imkmsg
configuration/actions.rst: $ModLoad ommysql
installation/install_from_source.rst: $ModLoad immark # provides --MARK-- message capability
installation/install_from_source.rst: $ModLoad imudp # provides UDP syslog reception
installation/install_from_source.rst: $ModLoad imtcp # provides TCP syslog reception
installation/install_from_source.rst: $ModLoad imuxsock # provides support for local system logging
installation/install_from_source.rst: $ModLoad imklog # provides kernel logging support
tutorials/tls_cert_udp_relay.rst: $ModLoad imudp # load UDP server plugin
tutorials/database.rst: ``$ModLoad ommysql``
tutorials/database.rst: ``$ModLoad ompgsql``
tutorials/tls.rst: $ModLoad imtcp # load TCP listener
tutorials/high_database_rate.rst:$ModLoad ommysql # load the output driver (use ompgsql for PostgreSQL)
tutorials/high_database_rate.rst:$ModLoad imudp # network reception $UDPServerRun 514 # start a udp
tutorials/high_database_rate.rst:server at port 514 $ModLoad imuxsock # local message reception
tutorials/high_database_rate.rst:$ModLoad ommysql # load the output driver (use ompgsql for PostgreSQL)
tutorials/high_database_rate.rst:$ModLoad imudp # network reception $UDPServerRun 514 # start a udp
tutorials/high_database_rate.rst:server at port 514 $ModLoad imuxsock # local message reception
tutorials/tls_cert_server.rst: $ModLoad imuxsock # local messages
tutorials/tls_cert_server.rst: $ModLoad imtcp # TCP listener
tutorials/reliable_forwarding.rst:$ModLoad imuxsock # local message reception $WorkDirectory /rsyslog/work
tutorials/reliable_forwarding.rst:$ModLoad imuxsock # local message reception $WorkDirectory /rsyslog/work
Already replaced $ModLoad foo with module(load="foo") but there are a lot of legacy directives everywhere. I guess replacing all them will take longer, cause it will require full examples.
learning about rsyslog and got confused when I saw $ModLoad
in the rsyslog.conf
that came with my centos7 image and the tutorial I found online (from 2013) was using Module(load="foo")
Same for me. It is hard to go through the documentation, reading about the notes "don't use legacy configuration format" while just having legacy configuration format in the example. It took me two "rewrite my config file between formats" until I've figured this issue out.