fecon235 copied to clipboard
Disruption of equities data :: pandas_datareader dependency on Yahoo and Google Finance API
Description of specific issue
We are expecting major disruption in getting data on equities, mutual funds, and ETFs via pandas_datareader due its dependency on API of both Yahoo and Google Finance.
- [/] Fail quote retrieval via our module lib/yi_stock.py, if no fix upstream.
- [/] Enhancement, if fecon235 takes independent action in its
Observed behavior
Yahoo employee has confirmed that the free End-Of-Day data has been terminated, 2017 presumably due to acquisition by Verizon.
- Possible work-around: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44030983/yahoo-finance-url-not-working
/r/algotrading on Google JSON termination
presumably due to cost-cutting by new product manager.
Our yi_stock
module may appear to be working, but
please tail() your dataframe to verify whether quote retrieval
goes beyond 2017-09-05 [silent fail to get() current stock quotes].
Alternatives to enhance behavior
Switch over to Quandl, using our
module- See: https://blog.quandl.com/api-for-stock-data lists premium databases. But for free stock price data: https://www.quandl.com/product/WIKIP/WIKI/PRICES-Quandl-End-Of-Day-Stocks-Info.
Alpha Vantage: https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation - Requires user to get free API key
- Python wrapper, MIT license: https://github.com/RomelTorres/alpha_vantage
tiingo: https://api.tiingo.com/docs/general/overview - Requires user to get free API key
$$$ EODhistoricaldata: https://eodhistoricaldata.com
Scrape Google Finance pages: https://github.com/CNuge/general_use_functions/blob/master/international_stock_scraper.py (currently also works for international stocks) -- which is not a robust solution (relative to API code) since the page layout is subject to UI changes: https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues/408
Why would the improvement be useful to most users?
Information from the equities markets is vital for financial economics.
Before releasing our own independent solution, we expect to make a pull request to the pandas_datareader repository.
Please kindly propose alternative solutions below, or at https://gitter.im/rsvp/fecon235 ... and look into pandas_datareader issues
Check for revisions upstream
It is possible that a solution has been merged into pandas_datareader and all that is necessary is an update of the package, see its CHANGELOG: https://pandas-datareader.readthedocs.io/en/latest/whatsnew.html and make sure the update is compatible with the latest fecon235.
Note: Anaconda distribution uses hyphen, not underscore:
$ conda update pandas-datareader
Additional helpful details for bugs
[/] Problem started recently
[/] Problem can be reliably reproduced
fecon235 version: v5.17.0603
pandas version: 0.19.2
pandas_datareader version: 0.2.1
Reports of Google limiting data length to merely one year
- Also: URL to retrieve data from Google has changed
- https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues/394#issuecomment-329980466
- Also: URL to retrieve data from Google has changed
What means:
Our yi_stock module may appear to be working, but please tail() your dataframe to verify whether quote retrieval goes beyond 2017-09-05 [silent fail to get() current stock quotes].
Will there be no new quotes after 2017-09-05 or no data before 2017-09-05? I don't understand it.
I want to mention, that the new sources are not suitable for all users and do not cover all fields of interest :(
@paintdog tail() retrieves the tail end of a dataframe. Our yi_stock module currently has a dependency on pandas_reader to get() equities data, but it may be re-route requests by other means (and to other vendors besides Google Finance).
All our sources for suitable for all users in the field of financial economics.
StackOverflow: DataReader google finance date not working points to change in URL at Google as cause for data disruption.
But unfortunately, for the PR to modify said URL, https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/402/commits/eac67a4b60c1f6b67f0a4323fa66faf49641b77b , the required Travis CI build has failed.
Google Finance website currently displays a Yellow Warning Banner which reads as follows:
Google Finance is under renovation. As a part of this process, the Portfolios feature won't be available after mid-November 2017.
Their notice at https://support.google.com/finance indicates:
- Portfolios will be deprecated
- To download available data, follow these steps:
- Visit that company's summary page (e.g., http://finance.google.com/finance?q=nasdaq:goog).
- Click Historical Prices on the left side of the page.
- Under "Export," click Download to spreadsheet.
Why? Their reasoning: "to make Google Finance more accessible and user-friendly for a wider audience." Yeah, right :-1: See also Quora: Why is the Google Finance portfolio feature disabled?
Thus any tentative fixes now for data retrieval may go to waste after renovation is completed:
- [x] Wait to see the renovated source API for upstream repo.
Noteworthy is the secure https redirect from the "www" to "finance" subdomain for google.com.
Upstream fixes not passing the tests in Travis CI build has been resolved: https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/404
This is especially pertains to: https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues/394 https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues/395 https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/402
Noteworthy snippet for Google Finance URL fix:
pytest.skip("Google quote api is offline as of Oct 1, 2017")
and for Yahoo Finance, drop NaN missing values in pandas DataFrame:
return df.sort_index().dropna(how='all')
What does
pytest.skip("Google quote api is offline as of Oct 1, 2017")
mean? At the moment I can still retrieve data from Google!
@paintdog That line is used to avoid testing designated parts of the Travis CI build upstream at pandas-datareader. In the interim, suppressing the bug catchers is not a good idea...
As you have observed, the current code is still operational,
so the use of pytest.skip for the Google Finance test fix is indeed
too definitive in the sense that Google may reconsider its API changes
during the reconstruction period. Tests could use pytest.xfail or even more
explicitly @pytest.mark.xfail()
with condition and reason attached.
See https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/skipping.html for details.
That way upstream, we can later run: pytest --runxfail
to see if Google has reverted without much hassle
and just remove the decorators,
or rewrite tests to conform to the new API.
(Historically, Google has reversed its pronouncements on quote
retrieval via Sheets, so there's hope if there's enough public outcry :-).
Alternative: Morningstar
Some work has begun: https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/411
which includes quotes and data from financial statement.
But the Travis CI build has failed.
Here's the key URL which was used by @dtemkin :
Addendum, 2017-10-27: tests and docs are in progress.
At fecon235, we may integrate partial code directly from: https://gist.github.com/hahnicity/45323026693cdde6a116 which is far more informative than anything from the origin https://www.moringstar.com -- thanks to @hahnicity (checked his repos, but nothing Morningstar specific, so just that gist).
On 2018-07-31, https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues/557#issuecomment-409422225 @hubbins wrote:
I have confirmation from Morningstar that this service has been discontinued, it is not a temporary outage.
- [x] Test pandas-datareader: Change from skip to mark.xfail in test_google
See next to previous comment for details and https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/413
Alternative: Tiingo
Tiingo has a REST and Real-Time Data API includes support for Stock Market Ticker Closing Prices + Metadata.
At fecon235, we may integrate partial code directly from: https://github.com/hydrosquall/tiingo-python which outputs CSV or JSON, so conversion to DataFrame format is the next step. Thanks to @hydrosquall
From our Gitter, https://gitter.im/rsvp/fecon235 on 2017-10-24:
Hi all - I'm Rishi founder of tiingo.com. I was told by a few members of the community some were looking for data replacements. The api is available at https://api.tiingo.com. Will take a look at the repo tomorrow and see where I can help to provide optimizations and also make the API play nicely. In the interim, looking forward to learning about everyone here. If anybody has some algo questions let me know. Was the first employee at AlphaParity, traded exotics, and treasuries, and built trading systems that realized sharpe of 2 on about 150mm before leaving that world. Will try to help where I can.
The free API permits up to 20,000 requests per day on over 56,000 securities globally. Sounds quite generous for a database going back 30 years, see https://api.tiingo.com/pricing -- Thanks, Rishi !
On 2017-10-25, Rishi responds:
Ah - its limited to 500 tickers of your choice which is the only limit on that. My goal is to make it disruptive but also a sustainable business. So as time continues, we can keep offering more but keep prices as constant as possible. [I] want the API to exist a long time and be reliable but also be absurdly cheap
- [x] pandas-datareader 0.6.0 to include Tiingo https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/478 (2018-01-24)
Alternative: Alpha Vantage
- [ ] Alpha Vantage API
Documentation https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation Requires user to get free API key
@RomelTorres commented:
I don't think AlphaVantage itself will release a python wrapper for its API call.
Hence his Python module to get stock data and cryptocurrencies: https://github.com/RomelTorres/alpha_vantage
2018 development at pandas-datareader: https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/490 which includes AVTimeSeriesReader and AVForexReader.
We would like to invite more discussion comparing the data vendors at Gitter https://gitter.im/rsvp/fecon235
Alternative, not supported: Bloomberg API
Documentation https://www.bloomberg.com/professional/support/api-library/ Requires user to have Bloomberg Terminal access, which will cost $$$ (thus does not share core fecon235 objectives).
For Python pandas interface, we refer to the repo by @matthewgilbert https://github.com/matthewgilbert/pdblp
pandas-datareader RemoteDataError
For 0.5.0, failures reported for both get_quote_yahoo
and get_quote_google
see https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues/418 as of 2017-11-07.
Alternative: Barchart API
Documentation: https://www.barchart.com/ondemand/api Requires registration: https://www.barchart.com/ondemand/free-market-data-api but includes stock, futures, FX, and cryptocurrencies (presumably the CME Bitcoin contract upon regulatory approval). Free histories up to 2 years, where End-of-day available for:
- Forex: Global Currencies
- [ ] Barchart API, CSV -> Python pandas DataFrame
- [ ] Barchart API, JSON -> Python pandas DataFrame
# JSON gist
import json
import requests
quote = json.loads(requests.get('http://marketdata.websol.barchart.com\
# Replace <api_key> with your own key.
Thanks to @liuyigh !
@BlackArbsCEO has provided a working gist: https://gist.github.com/BlackArbsCEO/2394808dcb1f7c1bdd4e with commentary on the code here: http://www.blackarbs.com/blog/how-to-get-free-intraday-stock-data-with-python-and-barcharts-ondemand-api/9/22/2015
@femtotrader a pandas-datareader contributor, informed by the last gist developed: Python client for Barchart OnDemand https://github.com/femtotrader/barchart-ondemand-client-python Then apparently @lanshark modified it into a PyPI package
- [ ] Barchart API -> pandas-datareader: https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues/368
For 0.5.0, failures reported for both get_quote_yahoo and get_quote_google, see pydata/pandas-datareader#418 as of 2017-11-07.
This is too bad - no hope that Google will deliver data again in the soon future???
Walt, November 2, 2017 at 21:41, On a Yahoo forum an administrator commenting on the 999 error message initially stated it was a technical issue and would be fixed. Two hours ago he updated his message to say that the use of downloads.finance.yahoo.com (which has been going on for 2 decades without a yahoo whimper) violates the ToS and would not be restored.
[F]or ETFs they [Quandl] want 50 bucks per month.
Caltech Quantitative Finance Group provides notes on data vendors, esp. those to avoid.
Stooq (based in Poland), on first impression, does seem suitable for fecon235.
[ ] consider QuantQuote as Alternative, https://quantquote.com/historical-stock-data
Scraping by URL
The cookie field is not for preventing robots, but for disabling all API access by software. You can indeed step around the cookie method with some tricks, even automated, but that’s not really a professional solution. // That “crumb” in your URL is a code connected to a cookie on your PC. No cookie, no data.
- Yahoo changed their URL scheme to require an established session with cookies. Potentially you could use ‘curl’ to establish a connection to the main site, get a cookie, and then use that to get a crumb. With that crumb, now you can form your download URL. Because the Crumb is part of the cookie. Do note as well that times changed to POSIX timestamps. You’ll need to convert your dates.
Notes on Alpha Vantage
Alpha Vantage does not support bulk download the way Yahoo did, i.e. stock=A,AA,AAP,AAPL,… in the URL. Downloading each stock in separate URL is too slow.
Alpha Vantage does not adjust for splits and dividends. Their reply: "We have just beta-launched the adjusted close price feature for our daily prices API." // Alpha Vantage has a dedicated JSON API service for split/dividend-adjusted EOD historical data. For example: https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED&symbol=MSFT&outputsize=full&apikey=demo
Jenn: While Alpha Vantage has great data and a well-documented API, it’s pretty sketchy that they don’t describe their business model or have an “About Us” page that gives a company address and information about the actual human beings who work there. I’d love to use it, but it’s hard to trust it at the moment.
Comments last updated: 2017-11-07
:1234: REQUEST Emoji on the "Alternatives" above to express your reactions,
or please kindly write out your full opinion here regarding your preferences. Thank you.
Yahoo cookie / crumb : other Python solutions
Crumb is just part of the cookie, and here are some Python URL scraping solutions:
- @lucas03 provided a gist at StackOverflow
- @bradlucas blog posted code
- @sjev summarized what works in a Jupyter notebook which is ideal environment for testing upcoming URL changes at Yahoo
fix-yahoo-finance by Ran Aroussi
@ranaroussi claims his fix also works independently of pandas_datareader:
fix-yahoo-finance offers a temporary fix to the problem by scraping the data from Yahoo! finance using and return a Pandas DataFrame/Panel in the same format as pandas_datareader's
. [I]t can also be used as a stand-alone library (without pandas_datareader).
For details, see https://github.com/ranaroussi/fix-yahoo-finance (> 130 stars) or https://pypi.python.org/pypi/fix-yahoo-finance which requires Python >=3.4 and multitasking >= 0.0.3.
The fragility of the using a non-API solution is illustrated by:
- Andrea Galeazzi's gist
- Jack Threadfin's gist where a single character change by Yahoo in the cookie syntax can break a "solution."
Corey Goldberg @cgoldberg started ystockquote five years ago: https://github.com/cgoldberg/ystockquote (over 400 stars) 2018-03-18 Update: still experiencing difficulties over 2017 issues, see https://github.com/cgoldberg/ystockquote/pull/52#issuecomment-374054997
Thanks all ! And be sure to PR upstream.
Alternatives: Misc. ETC.
@wilsonfreitas provides an extensive listing of data sources: https://github.com/wilsonfreitas/awesome-quant#data-sources (which is also a great resource for quants and traders).
Any preferences therein which are reliable for equities data?
URL shortcut to awesome-quant page: https://git.io/eqdata
Alternative: IEX API
- No key registration.
- Free data for redistribution.
- Tickers are a superset of Nasdaq/NYSE/AMEX.
- ETFs and most mutual funds supported.
- No retrieval limits / throttling, but limit large request to 1/second.
- Supports websockets, i.e. pushes data.
Main page: https://iextrading.com/developer API: https://iextrading.com/developer/docs/#getting-started
- [ ] IEX GitHub: https://github.com/iexg/IEX-API
Thanks to @iexg and @lockefox Inquiries to [email protected]
- [ ] Python wrapper for IEX: https://github.com/addisonlynch/iexfinance
Thanks to @addisonlynch who notes historical datasets are available through IEX chart endpoint: https://iextrading.com/developer/docs/#chart but data must be within a 5-year historical period (a limitation if migrating from Yahoo or Google finance).
iexfinance documentation, https://addisonlynch.github.io/iexfinance/stable
[x] pandas_datareader 0.6.0 to include IEX, https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/465 (2018-01-22)
Docs, snippet: https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/blob/master/docs/source/remote_data.rst#iex
Some interim Google functionality: November 2017
Get a CSV file: sample URL from @VicTangg, https://finance.google.com/finance/historical?q=SPY&startdate=2017/01/01&enddate=2017/05/22&output=csv
pandas_datareader snippet from @paintdog :
import pandas_datareader.data as web
import datetime
start = datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1)
end = datetime.date.today()
google = False
if google:
f = web.DataReader("ETR:SIE", 'google', start, end)
f = web.DataReader("SIE.DE", 'yahoo', start, end)
I hope that the info from @VicTangg will be used to repair pandas datareader. It seems that Google is still delivering data in an acceptable quality.
A new issue has surfaced in the last few days regarding google pulls with pandas-datareader
. (See 424.)
However, the API itself still seems intact:
import datetime
import requests
from io import StringIO
# This is just a wrapper importing the compatible version of
# urllib's urlencode--see pandas docs
from pandas.io.common import urlencode
import pandas as pd
BASE = 'http://finance.google.com/finance/historical'
# There seems to be confusion over whether the date api has changed.
# https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/425
# Both formats seem to work, but I'll use the "newer" one here to be safe
def get_params(symbol, start, end):
params = {
'q': symbol,
'startdate': start.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'),
'enddate': end.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'),
'output': "csv"
return params
def build_url(symbol, start, end):
params = get_params(symbol, start, end)
return BASE + '?' + urlencode(params)
start = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1)
end = datetime.datetime.today() # made around 10:30 am EST
sym = 'SPY'
url = build_url(sym, start, end)
data = requests.get(url).text
data = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data), index_col='Date', parse_dates=True)
# Open High Low Close Volume
# Date
# 2017-11-30 263.76 266.05 263.67 265.01 127894389
# 2017-11-29 263.02 263.63 262.20 262.71 77512102
# 2017-11-28 260.76 262.90 260.66 262.87 98971719
# 2017-11-27 260.41 260.75 260.00 260.23 52274922
# 2017-11-24 260.32 260.48 260.16 260.36 27856514
RE: UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte: invalid start byte:
@bsolomon1124 hi Brad, I would be inclined to think that
Google intends UTF-8, not bytes, at the end of the wire,
so thanks for your modification from requests.get(url).content
to requests.get(url).text
Decoding issue was also reported at Reddit
In regards to your proposals for Google URL date format
in https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/347 and https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/425
within the URL is just the longer machine version
of -
which is human readable, e.g.:
Brad, your fixes are very much appreciated. Thank you!
@rsvp I'm still not sure if bytes v. string is the issue here, though, the more I look into it. Reading in bytes is explicitly covered/addressed. Instead, I'm starting to think it's just that the GitHub code is not reflected in PyPI, despite both ostensibly being version 0.5.0.
import datetime
from pandas.compat import StringIO, bytes_to_str
from pandas.io.common import urlencode
import requests
BASE = 'http://finance.google.com/finance/historical'
def _get_params(symbol, start, end):
params = {
'q': symbol,
'startdate': start.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'),
'enddate': end.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'),
'output': "csv"
return params
def build_url(symbol, start, end, form='new'):
params = _get_params(symbol, start, end)
return BASE + '?' + urlencode(params)
sym = 'AAPL'
start = date(2010, 1, 1)
end = date.today()
url = build_url(sym, start, end)
# http://finance.google.com/finance/historical?q=AAPL&startdate=Jan+01%2C+2010&enddate=Dec+05%2C+2017&output=csv
session = requests.Session()
byts = session.get(url).content
out = StringIO()
data = pd.read_csv(out, index_col=0, parse_dates=True).sort_index()
Open High Low Close Volume
# Date
# 2010-01-04 30.49 30.64 30.34 30.57 123432050
# 2010-01-05 30.66 30.80 30.46 30.63 150476004
# 2010-01-06 30.63 30.75 30.11 30.14 138039594
# 2010-01-07 30.25 30.29 29.86 30.08 119282324
# 2010-01-08 30.04 30.29 29.87 30.28 111969081
# 2010-01-11 30.40 30.43 29.78 30.02 115557365
# 2010-01-12 29.88 29.97 29.49 29.67 148614774
# 2010-01-13 29.70 30.13 29.16 30.09 151472335
# 2010-01-14 30.02 30.07 29.86 29.92 108288411
# 2010-01-15 30.13 30.23 29.41 29.42 148584065
# 2010-01-19 29.76 30.74 29.61 30.72 182501620
# 2010-01-20 30.70 30.79 29.93 30.25 153037892
# ... ... ... ... ...
# 2017-11-16 171.18 171.87 170.30 171.10 23637484
# 2017-11-17 171.04 171.39 169.64 170.15 21899544
# 2017-11-20 170.29 170.56 169.56 169.98 16262447
# 2017-11-21 170.78 173.70 170.78 173.14 25131295
# 2017-11-22 173.36 175.00 173.05 174.96 25588925
# 2017-11-24 175.10 175.50 174.65 174.97 14026673
# 2017-11-27 175.05 175.08 173.34 174.09 20716802
# 2017-11-28 174.30 174.87 171.86 173.07 26428802
# 2017-11-29 172.63 172.92 167.16 169.48 41666364
# 2017-11-30 170.43 172.14 168.44 171.85 41527218
# 2017-12-01 169.95 171.67 168.50 171.05 39759288
# 2017-12-04 172.48 172.62 169.63 169.80 32542385
@bsolomon1124 hi Brad, interesting detective work there with PyPI.
The question of code replication would then extend to those who have
installed pandas_datareader via Anaconda's conda install
By further extension, it would apply to those using Anaconda's Docker image
to create containers where such an auto-install is scripted.
@rsvp Not just conda, but pip also. Take a look in the tar from PyPI and you'll notice the old link in place. (pandas-datareader/google/daily/_GoogleDailyReader.url
Some fixes on forthcoming pandas_datareader 0.6.0
Thanks to @davidastephens
Yahoo: cryptocurrency quotes
When people are taking out mortgages on their homes to make bets...
https://finance.yahoo.com/cryptocurrencies lists a hundred out of 1300 (and growing).
https://finance.yahoo.com/cryptocurrencies/heatmap Heatmap of capitalizations, with percentage gain/loss.
Bitcoin futures
CME BTC quotes and charts: http://www.cmegroup.com/trading/equity-index/us-index/bitcoin.html
Cboe XBT quotes: http://cfe.cboe.com/cfe-products/xbt-cboe-bitcoin-futures
The notional value of a CME contract is 5 times greater than a Cboe contract.
UPGRADE to development version of pandas_datareader
Is there a way to mitigate interim disruptions with Yahoo and Google, and get the latest documentation, without waiting around for a major release? Often a fix simply involves revising an URL address, but the fix arrives downstream months later.
Anaconda distribution
It is possible to conda
install the HEAD of the master branch:
Using: conda develop /path/to/pandas_datareader
installs a Python package in "development mode."
This works by creating a conda.pth file in site-packages.
Even --uninstall
is provided to back out of development.
Thanks to @ralexx
@bashtage notes:
Conda-forge can be triggered by users though, and since this package doesn't have any binary requirements, PyPi is as good as anything else.
Direct from source using git
# To get master HEAD:
git clone https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader
cd pandas-datareader
python setup.py install
It is an open question whether setup.py will properly install with respect to both the system's and Anaconda's versions of Python.
Installation using pip
pip install git+https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader
pandas_reader Deprecations
As of 2018-01-18, leading up to their 0.6.0 release, contributor @bashtage has deprecated:
- Yahoo finance and introduced new label yahoo-finance
- Google finance and introduced new label google-finance. But there seems to be a distinction between "historical" and deprecated "quotes / options" data.
Fallback vendor(s) for reliable equities data has not been clarified at https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader thus fecon235 may have to develop the alternatives directly and independently.
Alternative: Robinhood
- [x] Robinhood API https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/pull/477 as of 0.6.0
Robinhood Markets Inc. is a commission-free, online securities brokerage. Documentation https://github.com/sanko/Robinhood No API key required. Thanks to @sanko and /r/Robinhood
Snippet for current quotes: key https://api.robinhood.com/quotes/?symbols=MSFT,FB,TSLA
Snippet for historical data: https://api.robinhood.com/quotes/historicals/?symbols=MSFT,FB,TSLA&interval=day