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Crowd-sourced links for economists, esp. in financial economics with computational interests.

Awesome Economics Awesome

A curated collection of links for economists. Part of the "Awesome X" series. Shortcut:

You are welcome to edit our collection, please see or make a pull request as usual.

Table of Contents

  • Studying
  • Research
  • Discussions
  • Career
  • Economics at GitHub
  • Literature by Field
  • License




  • MIT OCW Economics - Over 100 courses covering all major fields of econocmics. Courses include prerequisites, recommended textbooks, lecture slides, and assignments. Undergraduate and graduate programs.
  • edX Economics - Introductory topics, few prerequisites.
  • Khan Academy: Economics - Elementary topics.

Useful Materials



Articles and Working Papers

  • IDEAS RePEc - The largest database of economics publications (2,000,000 items). Searching through papers is easier with Google: <search term>. Index sources mentioned below.
  • NBER - Working papers by major researchers. Many of these papers get published in peer-reviewed journal.
  • SSRN Economics - Working papers, no journal publications.
  • Google Scholar - Searching academic literature in general. Features author pages and citation counters. If you look for economic writings only, IDEAS would be more powerful.



  • FRED2 - 380,000 (macro) time series from 80 sources. Supports plugins for importing data into Excel, Stata, R, and others. Has a mobile app.
  • World Bank Data - International macro time series. Has data import plugins.
  • IMF Data - The standard reference for macro data.
  • Quandl - Aggregate financial and economic data from multiple sources. Some data vendors sell their data via this service. Good integration with statistical software.
  • MEDevEcon - Data related to development economics.
  • Monetary Economics: Data Sources - Overview of macro data sources.
  • OFFSTATS - Links to official data sources by country and subject.




  • LaTeX - Economists write in LaTeX because it handles mathematics and references better than Word or LibreOffice. If you write regularly, LaTeX is worth learning.
  • LyX - A free and simple editor for LaTeX.
  • Zotero - Bibliography management. Also install (a) Zotero browser plugin to import papers from RePEc to your library; (b) Zotero-LyX plugin to cite literature easily.
  • Git - A version control system. Useful if you want to revert changes done months ago or collaborate with other authors. DropBox also has version control, but Git is more explicit. A short intro. Or use GitHub Desktop if you like it simple.


  • Stata - An industry standard for statistical computations in economics. Free alternatives:
    • IPython - A Python-based environment. Econometric analysis requires SciPy, NumPy, statsmodels, and some other libraries installed. Consider installing Anaconda, which contains much of the needed stuff.
    • RStudio - A R-based environment. Many statistical R libraries are not available in other languages, so it's a pretty rich platform.
  • Matlab - An industry standard for modeling and numerical optimization in economics. Free alternatives:
  • Mathematica - Symbolic computations. Free alternative
  • fecon235 - Computational tools for financial economics, and tutorials using Jupyter notebooks, includes data retrieval, graphics, and optimization.
  • fecon236 - Computational tools for financial economics, Python code base for fecon235.



Useful Materials






Economics at GitHub


  • davidrpugh - Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford Martin School; Oxford Mathematical Institute, Oxford, UK.
  • gboehl - Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt Germany.
  • hmgaudecker - Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany.
  • jesusfv
  • jstac - Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
  • nathanlane - Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • nealbob - Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
  • robertdkirkby
  • trickvi - Hagstofa Íslands, Iceland.


  • EconForge - Team around Pablo Winant providing packages to solve economic models.
  • economics-book - Economics Textbook (Openstax).
  • pyeconomics - Computational economics in Python.
  • QuantEcon - A library for quantitative economics.
  • quantecon_nyu_2016 - Topics in Computational Economics
  • VFI Toolkit - Matlab toolkit for Value Function Iteration on GPU.
  • zice-2014 - Course materials for Zurich Initiative for Computational Economics (ZICE) 2014.

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Revision date : 2019-01-20