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dom-lib copied to clipboard

DOM helper library

DOM helper library

CI NPM Version

Click the "Exports" link in the sidebar to see a complete list of everything in the package.


npm install dom-lib --save


import addClass from 'dom-lib/addClass';

addClass(element, 'foo');
// output: <div class="foo"></div>



hasClass: (node: Element, className: string) => boolean;
addClass: (node: Element, className: string) => Element;
removeClass: (node: Element, className: string) => Element;
toggleClass: (node: Element, className: string) => Element;


getStyle: (node: Element, property: string) => string;
getStyle: (node: Element) => Object;

removeStyle: (node: Element, property: string) => void;
removeStyle: (node: Element, propertys: Array<string>) => void;

addStyle: (node: Element, property: string, value: string) => void;
addStyle: (node: Element, style: Object) => void;


on: (target: Element, eventName: string, listener: Function, capture: boolean = false) => {
  off: Function;
off: (target: Element, eventName: string, listener: Function, capture: boolean = false) =>


activeElement: () => Element;
getHeight: (node: Element, client: Element) => number;
getWidth: (node: Element, client: Element) => number;
getOffset: (node: Element) => Object;
getOffsetParent: (node: Element) => Object;
getPosition: (node: Element, offsetParent) => Object;
getWindow: (node: Element) => String;
nodeName: (node: Element) => String;
ownerDocument: (node: Element) => Object;
ownerWindow: (node: Element) => Object;
contains: (context: Element, node: Element) => boolean;
scrollLeft: (node: Element) => number;
scrollTop: (node: Element) => number;
isFocusable: (node: Element) => boolean;


scrollLeft: (node: Element)=> number;
scrollLeft: (node: Element, val: number)=> void;

scrollTop: (node: Element)=> number;
scrollTop: (node: Element, val: number) => void;