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floating TOC in tufte book
This is a question and issue that has not received an answer on Stackoverflow after a day. floating TOC in tufte book
Since I posted it I've confirmed it in another approach to standing up a stock tufte book. I believe this is real, although I confess that I'm still learning.
Here is a few-line modification to the index.Rmd file for the demo:
title: "A Minimal Book Example"
author: "Yihui Xie"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
site: bookdown::bookdown_site
tufte::tufte_html: default
citation_package: natbib
latex_engine: xelatex
toc: true
toc_float: true
css: toc.css
documentclass: book
bibliography: [book.bib, packages.bib]
biblio-style: apalike
link-citations: yes
github-repo: rstudio/bookdown-demo
description: "This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format f
Inclusion of toc: true works. The top_float: true insertion results in the error:
Error in rmarkdown::html_document(..., extra_dependencies = c(extra_dependencies, :
You must use a theme when specifying the 'toc_float' option
Calls: <Anonymous> ... html_chapters -> base_format -> html_document2 -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted
Exited with status 1.
This happens with the toc lines where they are shown and also as an argument to the tufte::tufte_html: line.
I don't see that the need to include a theme is included in the toc section in the "Definitive Guide" book. In any case, addition of a theme in what I think is the normal way doesn't help. I'd appreciate some help.
I have written and am currently using a variation of tufte format starting from (the award-winning!) programmingforpsych but I think I'd prefer to stick with the standard tufte package. But only if I can include the floating toc.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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. I have upgraded all my packages to their latest versions (e.g., R, RStudio, and R packages), and also tried the development version:remotes::install_github('rstudio/tufte')
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Hi, I second the issue: I LOVE the tufte style you guys generated, and it would be great to include floating tocs. Or, probably, write a more informative error message if floating tocs are not supported at all? Thank you, cheers
Agreed, a floating TOC would be a great feature.
Sorry, but floating TOC is not supported in this package. I'll consider it in the future. Thanks!
I would be excited if TOC can be supported in this package.
I am wondering the following example would make you (@chipbrock) be satisfied for now.
@yihui any input on this advance. Thanks.
A solution seems to have been implemented in the book: "Modern Statistics for Modern Biology", combining the tufte with a floating TOC. Unfortunately, the MSMB Style Package from @grimbough does seem to include the floating TOC solution.