rticles copied to clipboard
add open mind template
To contribute a new article template to this package, please make sure you have done the following things (note that journalname_article
below is only an example name):
[x] Unless you have done it in any other RStudio's projects before, please sign the individual or corporate contributor agreement for a significant pull request (it is fine not to sign it if a PR is only intended to fix a few typos). You can send the signed copy to [email protected].
[x] Add the
function toR/article.R
if the output format is simple enough, otherwise create a separateR/journalname_article.R
. -
[x] Add the Pandoc LaTeX template
. -
[x] Add a skeleton article
. -
[x] Add a description of the template
. -
[x] Please include the document class file (
) if needed, but please do not include standard LaTeX packages (*.sty
) that can be downloaded from CTAN. If you are using TinyTeX or TeX Live, you can verify if a package is available on CTAN viatinytex::parse_packages(files = "FILENAME"")
(e.g., whenFILENAME
, it should return"bibtex"
, which means this file is from a standard CTAN package). Please keep the number of new files absolutely minimal (e.g., do not include PDF output files), and also make examples minimal (e.g., if you need a.bib
example, try to only leave one or two bibliography entries in it, and don't include too many items in it without using all of them). -
[x] Update Rd and namespace (could be done by
). -
[x] Update NEWS.
[x] Update README with a link to the newly supported journal. Please add your Github username and the full name of the journal (follow other examples in the list).
[x] Add a test to
. We try to keep them in alphabetical order. -
[x] Add your name to the list of authors
in DESCRIPTION. You don't need to bump the package version in DESCRIPTION.
Lastly, please try your best to do only one thing per pull request (e.g., if you want to add two output formats, do them in two separate pull requests), and refrain from making cosmetic changes in the code base: https://yihui.name/en/2018/02/bite-sized-pull-requests/
Thank you!
Thank you for your submission! We really appreciate it. Like many open source projects, we ask that you all sign our Contributor License Agreement before we can accept your contribution.
1 out of 2 committers have signed the CLA.
:white_check_mark: cderv
:x: mikabr
You have signed the CLA already but the status is still pending? Let us recheck it.
Hi @mikabr,
do you plan to keep on working on this following the review ?
Just trying to know the status of this PR.
@cderv really sorry for the delay, it's been on my backburner for a while but I'd still like to complete it if that would be possible
@mikabr Thanks for getting back to me! Sure that would be possible. Really no issue to take your time on this, I just wanted to know if it still was in your scope 😉
Things could move in the meantime so you'll need to deal with merge conflict to solve but nothing to impactful I believe. Ask me if you need anything.
And ping me when you are ready for a final review.
👋 @mikabr - Just getting back on this for update on the status.
but I'd still like to complete it if that would be possible
Is this still a project you want to finish ?
👋 @mikabr - Just getting back on this for update on the status.
but I'd still like to complete it if that would be possible
Is this still a project you want to finish ?
given that I haven't gotten to it in a year and a half, I think it's unlikely to happen
OK I'll se if / when I can get to it then. thanks