pins-r copied to clipboard
Pins in RStudio Connect do not show all the metadata available
This stems from an issue I opened at the RStudio community: shows what I see in RSC for old and new versions of pins
I want to see the things that one can view with pin_meta()
ht to @colearendt
Hey--can you share some example code for how you were able to pin_write
the v1 pin on the left of your screencapture?
AFAIK writing a pin of type table isn't possible, so if I could see how you got it up on RSC, it'd help center in on the problem:

Sure. I've never used the type
parameter. BTW, this runs in a .Rmd deployed on RSC.
description = "my description",
board = "rsconnect"
Ah, thanks! If you switch to use pin_write
# need to do...
# board <- board_rsconnect(...)
board %>% pin_write(
description = "my description",
Does it show the preview and file size?
Thanks, that did work, with some re-working of my board connection and the parameters in pin_write
board <- board_rsconnect(auth = "manual", key = "my-key", server = "my-server")
description = "mydesc"
@machow I reminded myself of why I had stuck with pin
before... this has broken my shiny app that was using the pin. I am having a hard time connecting to it.
Problem #1, which I solved: the name of the pin gets switched from using hyphens to underscores.
Problem #2, I can successfully connect in my Shiny app when deployed on RSC, but the app running locally gets an error:
Error: [ENOENT] Failed to search directory 'C:/Users/{redacted - some non-sense string}/AppData/Local/pins/pins/Cache/rsc-{redacted string}/{redacted string}': no such file or directory
Why is it searching locally instead of on the RSC board?
Hey--can you provide code that I could run that reproduces the issue? I wonder if your app is using the old pin retrieval functions--like the deprecated pin_get
? If so, maybe changing to pin_read will work?
should be able to read v0 pins, but I'm not sure it works the other way around
I was already using pin_read()
I'm not sure about a reprex, given this may be some environment-specific problem I'm having. Here's how I retrieve:
new_df <- pin_read(board, "account/pin-name")
I'm not sure I'll be able to track the issue down without an example--can you post the traceback? If I could see where in the code raised the error it'd help narrow things down
> traceback()
14: (function (..., call. = TRUE, domain = NULL)
if (...length() == 1L && inherits(..1, "condition")) {
cond <- ..1
if (nargs() > 1L)
warning("additional arguments ignored in stop()")
message <- conditionMessage(cond)
call <- conditionCall(cond)
.Internal(.signalCondition(cond, message, call))
.Internal(.dfltStop(message, call))
else .Internal(stop(call., .makeMessage(..., domain = domain)))
})(structure(list(message = "[ENOENT] Failed to search directory 'C:/Users/{redacted}': no such file or directory"), class = c("ENOENT",
"fs_error", "error", "condition"), location = ""))
13: dir_map(old, identity, all, recurse, type, fail)
12: fs::dir_ls(fs::path(board$cache, guid))
11: rsc_content_version_cached(board, guid)
10: value[[3L]](cond)
9: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
8: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
7: tryCatch(rsc_content_version_live(board, guid), error = function(cnd) {
rsc_content_version_cached(board, guid)
6: rsc_content_version(board, content$guid)
5: pin_meta.pins_board_rsconnect(board, name, version = version)
4: pin_meta(board, name, version = version)
3: pin_fetch.pins_board_rsconnect(board, name, version = version,
2: pin_fetch(board, name, version = version, ...)
1: pin_read(board, "account/pin")
It looks like you're using board_rsconnect's use_cache_on_failure (which is set to TRUE when using R interactively). I wonder if...
- it's having issues connecting to RSC, so
- it falls back to trying your local cache
- because the content hasn't been accessed (and cached), it errors
It seems like the error message could be a bit more informative 😬. Can you try setting use_cache_on_failure=FALSE
in board_rsconnect
? I think it might still error, but might make it easier to tell whether it's erroring because it can't connect to your RSC instance
Get this error:
Error: RStudio Connect API failed [404]
* The requested object does not exist.
Can you post the code that is giving that error? edit: and the full traceback
Here's everything related to reading the pins. The only thing I changed, from what I had before, is indicated with my comments #removed
or #added
httr::set_config(httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = FALSE, ssl_verifyhost = FALSE))
board_server <- if_else(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", "{our RSC url}", "https://{our RSC url}")
pin_rsc_board_key <- Sys.getenv("pin_rsc_board_key")
board <- board_rsconnect(use_cache_on_failure = FALSE) #added
# board <- board_rsconnect(auth = "manual", key = pin_rsc_board_key, server = board_server) #removed
# board_register_rsconnect( #removed
# account = "my-account",
# key = Sys.getenv("pin_rsc_board_key"),
# server = board_server
# )
my-df<- pin_read(board, "my-account/my-pin")
Can you do things like pin_list(board)
Hmm.. that's really strange--I wonder if the pin's metadata lists a file that doesn't exist for some reason. What happens if you use pin_meta
to get metadata for the pin that caused the 404? If you can post the metadata output, I think we've nearly got things narrowed down......
results in the 404 error again.
Interesting finding though... it's only one of the pins that I'm using in this app that does this, not both. I deleted it and re-created, same result.
I got it to work by changing pin_meta("account/pin-name")
to pin_meta("pin-name")
. Of course, it yells at me about not using the full name when I do that... pin_read()
works the same way now as well.
If you pin_write and pin_read using a different name for the pin, does it work? I wonder if one thing that could help is deleting your board$cache
folder (you may need to run board_rsconnect
again after that).
Here's the output I see for my rsc cache:
> board$cache
(cc @colearendt , in case you've seen something like this?)
Yea just adding a '2' to the name of the pin and it works with the full reference to the pin name. Manually deleting the cache folder, and now I can use the original (full) name. Thanks for that suggestion
Ah, glad it's working! One last thing to check if it's okay--did you change your username, or did someone else originally own the pin content? I wonder if this was related to...
no intentional changes, I am the only one who has written the pin. I had to change my password recently (we use SSO with RSC) which caused various kinds of havoc, that's the only kind of change I can think of.
I believe we have made improvements in #643 and #667 that will avoid getting into this bad state. Please let us know if you have further problems! 🙌
This issue has been automatically locked. If you believe you have found a related problem, please file a new issue (with a reprex: and link to this issue.