DT copied to clipboard
Capturing `input$*_cell_edit` of a top level-rendered `DT` for observation/reaction in a module namespace?
This is aan adapted re-posting at the source of DT
of this question. I remain stuck.
I am aiming to extend this example, which implements a shiny
-rendered DT
including the capture of any edits done to the rendered data.
My version is to split off datatable handling into a shiny
module, but render the result in the toplevel namespace. In the above stackexchange.com issue, I have gotten introduced to session[["userData"]]
and based on that manage to display the module-provided DT
on the top namespace level.
I fail, however, to capture the input$*_cell_edit
in a corresponding session[["userData"]]
object for further reaction in the module. How would I go about this?
Minimal code demonstrating (the rendering side of) the issue follows:
datatableUI <- function(id = "datatable")
ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
shiny::titlePanel("Module Version"),
datatableServer <- function(id = "datatable")
shiny::moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session)
session$userData$DT <- DT::datatable(
iris, selection = 'none', editable = TRUE, rownames = TRUE, extensions = 'Buttons',
options = list(
paging = TRUE, searching = TRUE, fixedColumns = TRUE, autoWidth = TRUE, ordering = TRUE,
dom = 'Bfrtip', buttons = c('csv', 'excel')),
class = "display")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$DTPlaceholder <- shiny::renderUI(session$userData$DT)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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