Roman Storm

Results 59 issues of Roman Storm

![image]( ```js const batch = new web3.BatchRequest() for (let i=0; i< 10; i++) { const tx = web3.eth.sendTransaction.request( { from: ethAccount, to: address, gas: numberToHex(gas + 100000), gasPrice, value: 0,...

Nifty or Metamask ```js window.ethereum.sendAsync( { method: 'eth_sendRawTransaction', params: ["0xf86c80843b9aca00825208940039f22efb07a647557c7c5d17854cfd6d489ef38806d09918fdd148008081bda0afd64714f9de9131c87ac39cd81dea24e0bb5a3b513fa6a2b7d22ab425f16e9ba0068a1b2eddf2a29109c2f81ff6a44f106a1ac6abec5a676c0ccfed8174d83490"], jsonrpc: '2.0', from: "0xb036A9d5201f48c110692E8048EE784b988F6192" } ``` request fails because it doesn't like `from` field, while all other EVM networks are...

Problem: When new ballot is created for mining key, the metadata is not saved to Metadata contract on ballot finalization Solution: fix it

Test cases: 1. Add new validator - reach threshold 2. Ballot to change consensus 3. Ballot to change proxy contract

in progress

When ballot for keys, We have to see which miner's key the ballot is about

Please keep doing your work.

(Solution) Implement a method `finalizeChange` that will only be allowed to be called from SYSTEM, according to the parity spec, in order to let it run in parity 1.8.3 Current... Reason: There is no enforcement or validation how miner's will store his/her funds. The contract should only handle miner's & voting's keys to validate the input. The [oracles's script](

``` require('babel-register'); require('babel-polyfill'); ```