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B-spline regression

This repository provides the code necessary to fit explicit uniform B-splines of any degree to unstructured 2D/3D/ND point data. In the above example, the data points (red) are approximated by a uniform cubic B-spline (blue) with 14 control points (black).

The primary purpose of this repository is to provide a general B-spline solver which is easy to use, has minimal dependencies, but is still performant. The secondary purpose is to provide a starting point for people learning about B-splines, sparse non-linear least squares optimisation, and the damped Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms in particular.

Author: Richard Stebbing

License: MIT (refer to LICENSE)


This repository is tested to work under Python 2.7 and Python 3.4.

The required dependencies are:

  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • Sympy
  • matplotlib

Getting Started

To generate the above example problem and initialisation:

python 512 1 1e-1 3 14 Example_1.json --seed=0 --frequency=3

The arguments passed to are:

Value Argument Description
512 num_data_points The number of data points to generate.
1 w The weight applied to each squared residual.
1e-1 lambda_ The regularisation weight.
3 degree The degree of the uniform B-spline.
14 num_control_points The number of control points.
Example_1.json output_path The output path.
--seed 0 The random number generator seed (optional).
--frequency 3 The frequency of the sin (optional).


  • w can be a pair (2D) or triple (3D) so that w[i] is the weight applied to the ith dimension of each squared residual. This is useful for simulating time-series data where the uncertainty of the measurement (y-axis) is much greater than that of the reported time (x-axis).
  • Increasing lambda_ increases the "force" pulling adjacent B-spline control points together.

The output Example_1.json is a dictionary of the form:

Key Value Type Description
degree int The degree of the uniform B-spline.
num_control_points int The number of control points.
dim int The dimension of the problem.
is_closed bool True if the B-spline is closed, False otherwise.
Y array_like, shape = (num_data_points, dim) The array of data points.
w array_like, shape = (num_data_points, dim) The weight of each squared residual on each dimension.
lambda_ float The regularisation weight.
X array_like, shape = (num_control_points, dim) The array of B-spline control points.
u array_like, shape = (num_data_points, 1) The array of correspondences (preimages).
where u[i] gives the coordinate of the point on the B-spline that is closest to Y[i].

In summary, the first four keys define the structure of the B-spline, the next three keys specify the data points and problem configuration, and the final two keys define the state. In, X is initialised to a straight line and u is set approximately.

Visualising the initialisation is straightforward:

python Example_1.json --empty


where `--empty` generates the plot *without* axis labels or a title, and the correspondences are shown in orange. (All figures in this document were generated with the additional arguments `--width=8` and `--height=4` but this is omitted for brevity.)

To solve for X and u:

python Example_1.json Example_1_Output.json

and visualise the output:

python Example_1_Output.json --empty


Alternatively, to save and visualise all optimisation steps:

python Example_1.json Example_1_Output --output-all
python Example_1_Output Example_1_Output_Visualisation

Additional arguments to and can be found with --help. Further details regarding the solver implementation are provided in the docstring for UniformBSplineLeastSquaresOptimiser.minimise in

Additional Examples

  • Fitting a uniform quadratic B-spline with 5 control points and penalising errors in the x- direction more heavily:
python 256 "1e2,1" 1e-1 2 5 Example_2.json --seed=0 --frequency=0.75 --sigma=0.1 --alpha=-0.1
python Example_2.json Example_2_Output.json
python Example_2_Output.json --empty

Quadratic B-spline

Solving with Levenberg-Marquardt instead of damped Newton:

python Example_2.json Example_2_Output_LM.json lm
python Example_2_Output_LM.json --empty

Quadratic B-spline with LM

(For comparison, damped Newton converges at 4.18 whereas Levenberg-Marquardt converges at 6.96. The initial energy is 1.97e3.)

  • Fitting a uniform quintic B-spline with 9 control points to 65536 data points:
python 65536 1 1e-1 5 9 Example_3.json --seed=0 --frequency=2 --alpha=0
python Example_3.json Example_3_Output.json
python Example_3_Output.json -d u -d X --empty

Quintic B-spline

  • Fitting a uniform quartic B-spline with 10 control points in 3D:
python 128 1 1e-1 4 10 Example_4.json --seed=0 --frequency=3 --dim=3
python Example_4.json Example_4_Output.json
python Example_4_Output.json --empty

Quartic B-spline