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Python library for reading and writing label files for phonetic analysis (Praat, ESPS, Wavesurfer).


Python library for reading and writing label files for phonetic analysis (Praat, ELAN, ESPS, Wavesurfer).


audiolabel can be installed with pip:

pip install git+

You can also download and unpack this repository, then run manually:

cd audiolabel
python install

How to use

The easiest way to get started is to launch the 'Using audiolabel' notebook on Binder Binder to learn how to read label files into dataframes, or you can visit it at nbviewer in read-only mode. For the next step launch the 'Working with phonetic dataframes' notebook Binder for details on how to work with dataframes that contain phonetic labels, or see the read-only view at nbviewer.

The recommended way to use audiolabel is to import the read_label function and create Pandas dataframes, one dataframe per label tier in the label file. Provide the label filename and type to return a tuple of tiers:

from audiolabel import read_label
[wddf, phdf, ctxtdf] = read_label('test/ipa.TextGrid', ftype='praat')

The read_label command reads all of the tiers ('word', 'phone', and 'context') found in the named label file in order and returns them as a tuple. The left hand side [wddf, phdf, ctxtdf] distributes each tier to separate variable names.

Valid ftype values are 'praat' for Praat textgrids (also explicit short/long Praat types 'praat_short'/'praat_long'), 'eaf' (ELAN), 'esps' (ESPS), 'wavesurfer' (Wavesurfer).

You can use the tiers parameter to return specific tiers from label files:

# Specify tiers by name
[wddf] = read_label('test/ipa.TextGrid', ftype='praat', tiers='word')

# Specify tiers by tier index and name.
[wddf, phdf] = read_label('test/ipa.TextGrid', ftype='praat', tiers=[0, 'phone'])

The codec parameter can be used if the encoding is not the default 'utf-8' or if audiolabel is unable to detect the encoding:

[tier1, tier2] = read_label('test/utf8_no_BOM.TextGrid', ftype='praat', codec='utf-8')

Any of the standard encodings from the Python codecs module may be used.

Use df2tg to write one or more dataframes that represent annotations to a Praat textgrid:

from audiolabel import read_label, df2tg
[wddf, phdf] = read_label(
    tiers=['word', 'phone']
    [phdf, wddf],          # List of annotation tier dataframes
    ['phone', 'word'],     # Names of column in each df containing label content
    fmt='0.4f',            # Format of time values, ex. 4-decimal float
    ftype='praat_short',   # 'praat_short' or 'praat_long'
    outfile='out.TextGrid' # Name of output file

Legacy overview

NOTE: This section and following sections describe specialized functions for working with label files and are not recommended for new work. New projects should use the read_label function to create Pandas dataframes instead.

audiolabel reads phonetic label files of various formats and parses them into three basic kinds of objects:

  1. Labels
  2. tiers in the form of PointTiers and IntervalTiers
  3. LabelManagers

The usual way to read a file is to create a LabelManager with a filename and file type:

from audiolabel import LabelManager
lm = LabelManager(from_file='somefile.TextGrid', from_type='praat')

The LabelManager contains the label file's label tiers, and the tiers contain the individual annotations. We'll look at these object types in more detail.


The LabelManager provides access to the individual tiers in a label file. The .names attribute stores the tier names:

# Output is ('word', 'phone', 'context')

You can use the tier() method to access the tiers by name or by the tier index, with the first tier assigned index 0:

# Access by name
wordtier = lm.tier('word')
phontier = lm.tier('phone')
contexttier = lm.tier('context')

# Access by index
wordtier = lm.tier(0)
phontier = lm.tier(1)
contexttier = lm.tier(2)

Tier names are commonly found in Praat textgrids, but other label file types might not include names and require access to tiers by index.

The labels_at() method returns a tuple of Label objects from each of the tiers. If the label file provides tier names, then a namedtuple is returned, and as with tier() you can access the result by tier index or name:

labels = lm.labels_at(1.0)   # Get Label from all tiers at time 1.0

# Content of Labels by tier name

# Or by tier index
print(labels[0].text)   # word
print(labels[1].text)   # phone
print(labels[2].text)   # context

Notice that the tier name is an attribute of the namedtuple and not a string.

The scale_by() method will multiply the time values of all Labels (in all tiers) by a scale factor:

lm.scale_by(1000)   # E.g. convert seconds to milliseconds
lm.scale_by(0.001)  # and back to seconds

And shift_by() shifts the time values of all Labels by an offset:

lm.shift_by(0.5)   # shift 0.5 seconds
lm.shift_by(-0.5)  # shift back

PointTiers and IntervalTiers

A label tier is an array of individual Labels, ordered chronologically. Label tiers can be one of two types. A PointTier contains only Labels that are associated with a single point in time, and an IntervalTier contains only Labels that describe an interval and are associated with two points in time.

A simple way to access the Labels in a tier is to iterate over its contents:

for word in wordtier:
    print(word.t1, word.text)

Another way to access a Label in a tier is with the label_at() method, which returns a Label object corresponding to a time:

word1 = wordtier.label_at(1.0)

The tslice() method works much like array slicing, but uses time-based indexing rather than integer indexes:

for word in wordtier.tslice(0.4, 0.6):
    print(word.t1, word.text)

For more on tslice() see the 'Slicing and indexing' section.

The search() method returns a list of Label objects that match a regular expression pattern. The pattern can be provided as a string or as a precompiled regular expression.

# Iterate over all words containing 'r'.
for word in'r'):
    print(word.t1, word.text)
# Precompiled regex works too.
myre = re.compile('r')
for word in
    print(word.t1, word.text)

If the return_match parameter is set to True then search() returns a list of tuples containing the matching Labels and a regular expression match object. This feature is useful when your regular expression contains capture groups:

myre = re.compile('(?P<vowel>AH|EH|IH)(?P<stress>\d)')
for phone, match in, return_match=True):

The Labels in a tier are ordered chronologically, and the next() and prev() methods provide access to Labels that follow or precede another Label.

# Print the content of all Labels containing 'r' and the following Label content
for word in'r'):

These methods also have a skip parameter that allows you to skip over one or more intervening labels:

# Get the label that two labels that precede a label.
prevword = wordtier.prev(word)             # By default skip=0
preprevword = wordtier.prev(word, skip=1)  # The label before prevword


Label objects hold individual annotations that are associated with a point in time or a time interval, and these are accessed by the Label attributes:

print(word.t1)    # start of an interval Label, point in time of a point Label
print(word.text)  # the Label content (annotation)

A Label object is an association of time with its content (a string). The Label object itself is not a string! Use the text attribute to get the Label content.

Labels that represent intervals rather than points in time have additional meaningful attributes:

print(word.t2)       # end of an interval Label
print(   # midpoint of the interval
print(word.duration) # duration of the interval

Slicing and indexing

A label tier is a Python list and individual Label objects can be accessed with the usual integer indexing:

firstw = wordtier[0]  # first label in wordtier
threew = wordtier[:3] # list (slice) of first three labels
lastw = wordtier[-1]  # last label

Integer indexing is most useful for accessing the first and last labels in a tier. For non-initial, non-final Labels it is usually more convenient to use the time-based methods label_at() and tslice().

The label_at() and tslice() methods provide an analog to integer indexing based on timestamps. However, the semantics of tslice() are a little different than integer indexing. Integer indexes always identify specific list elements, and time-based slicing can be ambiguous, especially for IntervalTiers. Consider this IntervalTier and a slice between 0.8 and 4.2 seconds (s1 and s2):

tier = audiolabel.IntervalTier()
for t1 in (range(5)):
    tier.add(audiolabel.Label(t1=float(t1), t2=float(t1+1), text='label'+str(t1)))

# Representation of tier
#    |          |          |          |         |          |
#    |  label0  |  label1  |  label2  |  label3 |  label4  |
#    |          |          |          |         |          |
#   0.0        1.0        2.0        3.0       4.0        5.0
#            ^                                     ^
#            |               <slice>               |
#            s1                                    s2

In this slice 'label0' and 'label4' partially overlap the specified interval. By default tslice() returns these partial overlaps, and you can exclude them by setting the lstrip ('left strip') and rstrip ('right strip') parameters to True:

tier.tslice(0.8, 4.2)                           # returns 'label0' through 'label4'
tier.tslice(0.8, 4.2, lstrip=True, rstrip=True) # returns 'label1' through 'label3'
tier.tslice(0.8, 4.2, lstrip=True)              # returns 'label1' through 'label4'
tier.tslice(0.8, 4.2, rstrip=True)              # returns 'label0' through 'label3'

Now consider a slice between 1.0 and 4.0 seconds:

#    |          |          |          |         |          |
#    |  label0  |  label1  |  label2  |  label3 |  label4  |
#    |          |          |          |         |          |
#   0.0        1.0        2.0        3.0       4.0        5.0
#               ^                               ^
#               |            <slice>            |
#               s1                              s2

The timepoints of this slice correspond to the boundary shared between two Labels. By default tslice() returns all the Labels matched by the timepoints, 'label0' through 'label4'. You can exclude the labels that only match at the edges by setting the lincl ('left include') and rincl ('right include) parameters to False:

tier.tslice(1.0, 4.0)                           # returns 'label0' through 'label4'
tier.tslice(1.0, 4.0, lincl=False, rincl=False) # returns 'label1' through 'label3'
tier.tslice(1.0, 4.0, lincl=False)              # returns 'label1' through 'label4'
tier.tslice(1.0, 4.0, rincl=False)              # returns 'label0' through 'label3'

In addition to the boundary ambiguity, there can be difficulty in comparing floating point values for equivalence. It is common to find that Labels on different annotation tiers are slightly misaligned. Sometimes this misalignment is not obvious and might be the result of truncation or roundoff errors in the normal course of processing files. In such cases, the misalignments are usually not meaningful, and you can relax the comparison so that values that are close to each other are considered to be equal. By default the tolerance of the comparison requires exact matches in order for two time values to be equal. You can use the tol parameter to relax the tolerance at both edges, and the ltol and rtol are added to tol to further adjust the left and right edges of tslice():

tier.tslice(1.0001, 3.9999)                          # returns 'label1' through 'label3'
tier.tslice(1.0001, 3.9999, tol=0.01)                # returns 'label0' through 'label4'
tier.tslice(1.0001, 3.9999, ltol=0.01)               # returns 'label0' through 'label3'
tier.tslice(1.0001, 3.9999, tol=0.01, rtol=-0.01)    # returns 'label0' through 'label3'