slimit copied to clipboard
SyntaxError: Unexpected token (CATCH, 'catch') at 1:9034 between LexToken(PERIOD,'.',1,9033) and LexToken(LPAREN,'(',1,9039)
evalCommandPromise.then(function () {
callback(null, script.runInThisContext());
Haha unfortunate ES6 property name. I guess you could rewrite that code as ...)['catch'](callback)
Yea, sadly I would like to use slimit for automatic parser of the code. So I have first to parse it to be able to automatically convert it. Catch 22. ;-)
Well you could tokenize the source code and replace a .
followed by catch
keyword by ['catch']
- no parser needed ;)
On a more serious side, I wonder if still @rspivak is interested in developing/maintaining slimit
This is related to #59