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download geographic data


geodata is an R package for downloading geographic data. This package facilitates access to climate, elevation, soil, crop, species occurrence, and administrative boundary data, and is a successor of the getData() function from the raster package.


You can install the released version of geodata from CRAN with:


You can install the development version of geodata from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


Function Description
bio_oracle Marine data from Bio-Oracle
cmip6_world, cmip6_tile Downscaled and calibrated CMIP6 projected future climate data
country_codes Country codes
crop_calendar_sacks Crop calendar data by Sacks et al
crop_monfreda Crop area and yield data for 175 crops by Monfreda et al.
crop_spam MapSPAM crop data (area, yield, value)
cropland Cropland density for the world derived from different sources (ESA, GLAD, QED)
elevation_3s, elevation_30s, elevation_global Elevation data
gadm, world Administrative boundaries for any country, or the entire world from GADM
landcover Landcover data derived from ESA WorldCover
footprint Human footprint data from the Last of the Wild project
osm OpenStreetMap data by country (places and roads)
population Population density Gridded Population of the World
soil_af Chemical and physical soil properties data for Africa for different soil depths
soil_af_elements Connect to or download chemical soil element concentration (for the 0-30 cm topsoil) data for Africa
soil_af_water Physical soil properties data for Africa for water balance computation
soil_af_isda Soil data for Africa derived from the iDSA data set
soil_world_vsi Virtually connect to the global SoilGrids data
soil_world Global soils data from SoilGrids
sp_occurrence Species occurrence records from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility
travel_time Travel time to and from cities and ports by Nelson et al.
worldclim_global, worldclim_country, worldclim_tile WorldClim glocal climate data