Ryan Soklaski

Results 54 issues of Ryan Soklaski

See https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/24147 for blocking bug on numpy 1.25.0-1

Hello! I am a big fan of pooch! 😄 Would you be interested in my adding type annotations to the library? I think that this can help improve the user...


I don't know what is going on [here](https://github.com/mit-ll-responsible-ai/hydra-zen/actions/runs/6801140098/job/18491313239?pr=573). It only occurs for pre-release, and re-running the job often fixes it. It occurs in `tests/test_launch/test_validation.py` and is caused by: ``` hydra.errors.MissingConfigException:...


Using the store decorator pattern makes this simple/trivial ```python from hydra_zen import store from pydantic import BaseModel @store(name="zoom", y="hi") class Foo(BaseModel): x: int y: str ```


### Initial Checks - [X] I confirm that I'm using Pydantic V2 ### Description Decorating a function -- that has a keyword-only non-default argument following a default argument -- with...

bug V2


To Do: - [x] Support parsing for variable-length tensors: `parse(..., Tensor[*T])` - [x] Handle scalars (empty shapes) - [x] Add support for `Any` dim (important! -- TypeVarTuples are currently invariant!)...

Hi @pckroon . I used your `graph_builder` strategy to create a new hypothesis strategy that I found to be quite useful. It is designed to generate a graph that has...