Ryan Soklaski
Ryan Soklaski
To [here](https://www.pythonlikeyoumeanit.com/Module3_IntroducingNumpy/ArrayTraversal.html) Which is faster: summing a square array along its rows or along its columns?
Link to [this post](https://www.anaconda.com/using-pip-in-a-conda-environment/) or [this post](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-environments.html#using-pip-in-an-environment) and provide high-level takeaways for best practices
Add [here](https://www.pythonlikeyoumeanit.com/Module2_EssentialsOfPython/Basic_Objects.html#Formatting-strings)
Ensure that links are not broken and that internal links use https and not http. Using the example [provided by hypothesis](https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/stateful.html) ```python from hypothesis.stateful import GenericStateMachine import hypothesis.strategies as st...
Now that the section on [vectorized operations](https://www.pythonlikeyoumeanit.com/Module3_IntroducingNumpy/VectorizedOperations.html) doesn't suck, it'd be good to add a few simple examples of linear algebra functions. The subsection already exists. I'm thinking dot products,...
Upgrade nbsphinx to 0.6 Add https://github.com/choldgraf/sphinx-copybutton capability
Find `dot.bat` file in env. E.g. at `"C:\Users\Ryan S\.conda\envs\week3\Library\bin\dot.bat"` And edit it. The original file will contain ``` %~dp0.\graphviz\dot.exe %* ``` Add quotes as so: ``` "%~dp0.\graphviz\dot.exe" %* ``` and...
Okay, so this *might* not exactly be a "good first issue" - it is a little more advanced, but is still very much accessible to newcomers. Similar to the [mygrad.nnet.max_pool](https://mygrad.readthedocs.io/en/latest/generated/mygrad.nnet.max_pool.html#mygrad.nnet.max_pool)...
Upgrade nbsphinx to 0.6 Add https://github.com/choldgraf/sphinx-copybutton capability
At first glance, it looks like the `%matplotlib notebook` magic doesn't work