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Please add card symbols
I really like the Inter font family and I thought I should use it for my bridge club website, but then I would need the card symbol glyphs and it looks like the card symbols for clubs, diamonds and spades are missing. What I would need, are the 'black' (filled) versions: UTF8 hex 2660, 2663, 2666. Interesting enough, the hearts symbol, UTF-8 hex 2665 is already present.
Could these be added? The 'white' (outline) versions, UTF-8 hex 2662, 2664 and 2667 are not important for me, but it may make sense to include the complete set.
Thank you for looking into this!
Note to others: The reporter does not mean UTF-8, but Unicode codepoints (U+2660, U+2663, U+2666)
Hello @rsms, Thank you for considering this extension - and thank you for correcting my terminology!
Based on struggles trying to present bridge hands nicely in documents and on web pages, please let me add the following recommendations for these card symbol glyphs:
The height of the glyphs is Cap-Height and they appear vertically aligned with a capital letter like K.
All glyphs have the same Advance Width, so that you can nicely present a hand in a column: ♠ A234 ♥ K56789 ♦ Q10 ♣ J
The shape of the spades and clubs glyphs allow you to easily see the difference, also for small font sizes.
I must say that GitHub does this not so bad in this message, but very often that is not the case.
...and it would be convenient if the hearts and diamonds glyphs would automatically be red...
My girlfriend plays a lot of bridge and her parents compete. I can relate :–)