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Tracking issue: ESLint recommended rules
Tracking issue for rules from eslint:recommended
- [x] constructor-super
- [x] for-direction
- [x] getter-return
- [x] no-async-promise-executor
- [ ] no-case-declarations
- [ ] no-class-assign (blocked on scope analysis)
- [x] no-compare-neg-zero
- [x] no-cond-assign
- [ ] no-const-assign (blocked on scope analysis)
- [x] no-constant-condition
- [ ] no-control-regex
- [x] no-debugger
- [x] no-delete-var
- [ ] no-dupe-args
- [ ] no-dupe-class-members
- [ ] no-dupe-else-if
- [x] no-dupe-keys
- [x] no-duplicate-case
- [x] no-empty
- [ ] no-empty-character-class
- [ ] no-empty-pattern
- [ ] no-ex-assign (blocked on scope analysis)
- [x] no-extra-boolean-cast
- [x] no-extra-semi
- [ ] no-fallthrough (blocked on code flow analysis)
- [ ] no-func-assign (blocked on scope analysis)
- [ ] no-global-assign (blocked on scope analysis)
- [ ] no-import-assign (blocked on scope analysis)
- [x] no-inner-declarations
- [x] no-invalid-regexp
- [x] no-irregular-whitespace
- [ ] no-misleading-character-class
- [ ] no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs
- [x] no-new-symbol
- [ ] no-obj-calls
- [ ] no-octal
- [x] no-prototype-builtins
- [ ] no-redeclare (blocked on scope analysis)
- [ ] no-regex-spaces
- [ ] no-self-assign
- [ ] no-setter-return
- [ ] no-shadow-restriced-names
- [x] no-sparse-arrays
- [x] no-this-before-super
- [ ] no-undef (blocked on scope analysis)
- [x] no-unexpected-multiline
- [ ] no-unreachable (blocked on code flow analysis)
- [x] no-unsafe-finally
- [x] no-unsafe-negation
- [ ] no-unused-labels
- [ ] no-unused-vars (blocked on scope analysis)
- [x] no-useless-escape
- [ ] no-with
- [ ] require-yield
- [x] use-isnan
- [x] valid-typeof
@Stupremee - I'm interested in picking some of these up if you're open to contributions here. If so, is it better if I create an issue for each rule I pick up, or link PRs to this tracking issue?
Yes, we are open to contributions! It's fine if you just link this tracking issue. For example contributions of new rules, you can look at some older PRs that add new rules, like #89.